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4th Stormont 2001-2002

Hey guys! I'm so glad you found the site. This is just a little summer project for me, I don't sleep much, and I get bored very easily, so, ta-da! If you have any pictures that you'd like to contribute, by all means send them to me. I know it's a little like the "yearbook," but I hope to have personal pages for anyone who would like to say a few words about themselves, and what they've been up to lately. I'll keep working on this, and keep it running for as long as there is interest. Hope you all enjoy it!

(The picture at the top will change eventually, it just happened to be the only picture I had uploaded at the moment.)

Top 5 Things About 4th Stormont 2001-2002


Amanda's Diaryland Site
Ann's Diaryland Site
Jessie's Diaryland Site
