A/N: *grins* So the Alec and Erin thing is progressing nicely. Now, I have to figure out how to sort out Max’s love life…

Chapter twenty-four: A Friend’s Advice

‘Well, when the going gets cute, the tough get going’
- Alec (Bag ‘Em)


‘She knows the human heart
And how to read the stars
Now everything’s about to fall apart’
-Garbage (The Trick Is To Keep Breathing)


The others wandered off and Sketchy and Dalton stood with Erin.

“You okay dude?” Sketchy looked down at Erin with concern. She’d looked so lost in headquarters and Alec had kept shooting her glances like she’d run off again.

Erin smiled and nodded, all of her confidence back. She had friends in this place and they were looking out for her.

“Got your skates” Dalton handed them to her. She’d only just noticed that he’d been holding them the entire time.

Erin’s grin broadened and she took them from him and put them on. Tying the shoe laces of her trainers together, she put her trainers over her shoulder and gave both Dalton and Sketchy high fives. They began to head back to their designated skating area when Original Cindy walked up to them.

“Hey guys, Cindy’s just gonna borrow our girl for a minute, ‘kay?”

“Er…okay” Sketchy frowned “but bring her back by 12.”

Erin stuck up her middle finger and Sketchy grinned “We need her to show us some of those moves.”

They left and O.C. took Erin to an empty part of the garage. “We need to talk boo.”

Erin rolled her eyes, she guessed what was coming. Somehow, Cindy knew all.

“Now, O.C. noticed that you and hot boy are gettin’ along real well lately.”

Erin nodded; there was no denying that Alec was hot. She waited patiently for the warnings.

“Well, Cindy just wanted to give you a little advice” O.C. continued “I’m guessing you don’t have a lot of experience when it comes to men- and don’t you give Cindy that look! I know you’re 18 but Cindy can just sense these things in a girl okay?” Erin rolled her eyes again but nodded.

“Now, don’t get me wrong- Alec has had a lot of experience, he’s a real heartbreaker and I’ve seen him in action. But Max tells me he’s loved and lost too, and you can see it in his eyes when he thinks you’re not lookin’. But when he’s lookin’ at you… well, Original Cindy hasn’t seen him lookin’ at anybody that way. So, what Cindy wants to say is… be careful with him? Cindy don’t wanna see either of you hurt.” O.C. turned away and left with a satisfied smile on her face. She’d get them together yet.

Erin stared after her. ‘Well’ she thought ‘that was different.’ Erin started to skate after Sketchy and Dalton then stopped. ‘She thinks he likes me?’ Erin started to skate again ‘Shit.’


In HQ Alec stood with his arms folded leaning against his desk as Max looked between the two of them in frustration.

She turned to Logan “Why did you want a blood test?”

Alec stood up straighter “Are you trying to tell me that you didn’t even know about it?”

Logan glared at him “I don’t need anyone’s permission.”

“Yeah, ya do, Logan! You need Max’s permission or another one of the leaders! You have no authority over ANYONE here and that includes Erin! You can’t go around demanding people’s blood!”

Logan glared at him and opened his mouth to reply but Max beat him to it “Alec, chill.”

Alec folded his arms again but did as he was told.

Logan smiled smugly at him but Max turned her glare on him too. “I’ll ask you again. Why did you want the blood?”

“To see if it’s different. If she was part of the breeding cult, it might have different toxins in it from the snake blood ritual.” Logan told her calmly.

Max however, wasn’t happy. “I’m sick of this! She told us she wasn’t part of the cult- I believe her! Don’t you trust MY judgment either?” She didn’t let him answer “From now on, you don’t do anything without permission from either myself or one of the other leaders- that includes Alec. I trust Alec’s judgment in this, he’s a soldier- he knows when there’s a threat and if he says Erin isn’t one? I believe him. I can’t have you questioning any one of our decisions. I value your opinion and advice but it’s my choice what happens. Now please leave, I need to talk with Alec.”

Logan glared at Alec once more and stormed over to the door.

“Logan” Alec spoke quietly and Logan turned to look back at him. Alec smiled pleasantly “You touch Erin again and I’ll kill you.”

Logan glared but left without a word.

“That’s taking it too far doncha think?” Max collapsed on the couch.

“Nope” Alec sat down next to her. A smirk appeared on his face “You do realize that YOU- Maxie, just stuck up for ME- Alec, against Logan, right? I mean, I’m impressed. Never thought I’d see the day when-”

“Shut up Alec” Max interrupted with a smile. She yawned and suddenly looked tired.

“Max, you need to sleep- all of this is tiring you out” Alec said quietly, concern on his face.

“I know, I know” she sighed “but there’s just so much to do, so much on my mind.”

“Well, you haven’t been havin’ anymore dreams have you?” Max shook her head and Alec continued “Then you can get some sleep. You’ve got the others to help out now. Give them some responsibility, they’ll be happy to help you out. I’ve been thinkin’ a lot about it all. I’ve checked out what they’re good at and I have some ideas. I think we should talk about it tomorrow.”

“Yeah, okay” Max rubbed her eyes and yawned again. It showed how far they’d come. Max wasn’t yelling at him so much and she was actually paying attention to his suggestions. Alec was glad that she’d finally trusted him.

“Hey” Max said suddenly “we’ve gone off track. We need to talk about Erin. Do you really, truly believe what she told you?”

Alec was nodding before she even finished the question and Max smiled with relief.

“Good, moving on. Do you like her?” Max asked quickly.

Alec blinked “What?”

“Do you like her?” Max asked again, looking him steadily in the eye.

“She’s one of my best friends, of course I like her” Alec frowned and Max rolled her eyes.

“Don’t be a prick. I mean, do you LIKE her?”

“Oh, well, she’s hot and everything. She’s smart, she’s funny, but… I don’t know, why?” Alec suddenly found his feet very fascinating.

“Because… I don’t wanna see anybody hurt” Max put a hand on his shoulder and Alec looked up “and when you two are together… well, take a girl’s advice- she likes you. She isn’t a kid and I have a hunch she’s been through a lot. If you want her, I’d advise you to take it slowly. Try not to break each other’s hearts, ‘kay? But if you do? Do it quick.”

“Where did all this come from?” Alec smiled slightly at her.

Max grinned and stood up “I’m female remember? I see all…”

Alec rolled his eyes as he walked to the door “You sound like Cindy.”

Max grinned as she moved over to her desk. She didn’t see the smile disappear from Alec’s face as he walked out the door.


Next chapter: Make A Wish…
“Erin we’ve got some great news… We’ve got a couple of new transgenics here. They’re from Psy-ops. We think they could help you to remember why you have all this knowledge in your head” smiled Max “It might tell us why White wants you.”

Erin stared “No.”

Max was confused “Why? This could be the answer to all our problems.”

My problems- not yours, Max. Mine” Erin couldn’t help but feel guilty for Max’s hurt expression. “No one’s going in my head, Max. There are some things you shouldn’t see and some things I don’t want to remember.”


A/N: Sorry to disappoint you guys, but before you ask-No, Alec will not kill Logan