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Planet Taito

I know it doesn't look like much now, but this is actually going to be a nice new Digimon/Taito site. It's setting: Space. There, nobody can hear Yamato when he squeals in happiness as Taichi...oops. Lemme stop myself. Oh wait again! How rude. Welcome to Planet Yaoi, space cadet, where the oxygen is free and all the population loves Taito!! My name is Yaoi Empress, a newcomer to cyberspace. I've loved Digimon as well as its Taito coupling for ages! After looking at all the other websites, I've finally gotten off my lazy rump and started one. But I need LOTS of help, as you can see....^__^ Come back later and maybe I can show you a better time than this bleary black planet. Catch ya on the flipside later!

New as of 2/4/03: I just got a Guestbook!! I've been looking at the hit counter and noticing that I've been having a few visitors already! But I don't wanna lose my fans, so I added a Guestbook. Come by and sign it...if I can install it right. ^__^ If I do, then you'll certainly notice.

Oh. Here are the links to each space station on Planet Yaoi, space cadet! Even my favorite sites! But I'll put up lots more later, I promise. ^___^

Oh yes. One more thing..the disclaimer: Digimon and any mentions of Harry Potter doesn't belong to me. They belong to Toei, Akiyoshi Hongo, J.K. Rowling, and Warner Bros. I'm just a simple Spacemaster spreading the good word of Taito...^___^

The Space Stations of Planet Yaoi!