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Saturday, 26 June 2004

1. What time do you get up? I don't really know, normally I'm only half I decided it was bad to keep a clock in my room :)

2. If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be? either Linde& Ville (since their surgically attached to each other anyway...) or BAM!!

3. Gold or Silver? BOTH!!

4. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? shrek2

5. What is your favorite TV show? ohhhhhh....lemme c...I guess... either VIVA LA BAM(!!!) or golden girls ;)

6. What do you have for breakfast? what breakfast?!

7. Who would you hate to be stuck in a room with? the guy behind you....he's kinda creepy...oops! sorry! that's a girl!

8. Who inspires you the most? my dog. He's got the BEST life ever. Right now he is currently sleeping & making sick-ass farts

9. What is your middle name? Marie

10. Beach, city, or country? WTF IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?! *beach*
*ok, maybe city beach...nice place that city beach....*

11. Favorite ice cream? ummmmm, german/belgian stuff... I dunno what it's called, I just inhale it.

12. Butter, plain, or salted popcorn? what day of the week is it?

13. Favorite color? red, because it's not robins egg blue.

14. What kind of vehicle do you drive? my red radio flyer wagon!!!oh yeah,OLD SCHOOL!

15. What characteristic do you despise? Jill- it's a combination of bitch, slut, and perv all wrapped into a HUGMUNGOUS bitch/slut/perv person..... they should all DIE!!

16. Favorite Flower? Orchids- you ever seen the movie 40 Days & 40 Nights? OH YEAHHHH!

17. If you could go anywhere in the world on a vacation, where would you go? OH MY GOD this guitar solo by slash is AMAZING!!!

18. What color is your bathroom?it looks like millions of gerbils threw-up on the walls.

19. Where would you retire to? the ground.... nah, just kiddin'... this 1 is a no-brainer. I would retire to Munich, Germany

20. Favorite day of the week? every one I don't get pissed off on.

21. What did you do for your last birthday? This is a true story, I remeber cuz it was on Monday (june 21). me & my parents went to Red Lobster. I talked my mother into getting me ALOTTA COLADA (I'm only 15 now), that's about 2 or 3 pina colada's in 1 alotta colada. & I held my liquor on my trip in germany, but i just couldnt on my birthday. yes....I could not stand for an hour on my birthday due to my high alcoholage...

22. Where were you born? I HONESTLY have no idea. I'll have to steal Eva's answer- in a hospital.

23. Favorite sport to watch? International soccer shit. I watched the 4 first games while I was in Germany this summer. FUCKING AWESOME. cuz i saw the rasmus the same night the first game was on. THE RASMUS FUCKING ROCKED!!!

24. Who do you least expect to send this back to you? Ummm, the easter bunny.... duh

25. Person you expect to send it back first? my grandpa, he's like permanently logged on the net...fucking ridiculous

26. What fabric detergent do you use? Is that the stuff that cleans or softens?? Answer me that....bitch.

27. Coke or Pepsi? oh shit! they're ganging up on me! I PLEAD THE 5TH!!!

28. Are you a morning person or a night owl? that depends, are you wearing boxers or briefs? hehehe, I can tell you right now that Blake's wearing JOCKEYS :D

29. What is your shoe size?well, in europe it's either a 39 or 40

30. Do you have any pets? my stinky dog, whom john doesnt think is cool because my dog farted on john while he was over... I love my dogg :)

~shredded V wings~

Posted by rebellion2/whatafluck at 12:35 AM CDT
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Sunday, 20 June 2004

1. Grab the nearest CD.
2. Put it in your CD-Player (or start your mp3-player, I-tunes, etc.).
3. Skip to Song 3 (or load the 3rd song in your 3rd playlist)
4. Post the first verse in your journal along with these instructions. Dont name the band, nor the album-title.

"Again the burden of losing rests upon my shoulders
And its weight seems unbearable
‘Your tomb is where your heart is’, I should’ve told her
But within me hid a secret so terrible"

Posted by rebellion2/whatafluck at 1:12 AM CDT
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2nd day home
Sunday, June 20, 2004

Sooooo good to be back. I had american food tonight: dairy queen. OMG did that ice cream & burger taste soooo good after traditonal Swabian food (mouthes-tasche, i think...)!!! yaya- so i got my 5 posters hung up (steve-o, the rasmus, HIM, The Crow, and nymphenburger (?) poster (auf ein schloss!)

& im even happier cuz i listened to TURBONEGRO today! all day! while i was re-decorating my beloved room which now has a GERMan flag hanging between the bed & comp (as a divider...I'm smart) The cd is APOCALYPSE DUDES!!! which i must say is freaking awesome! the best song on there is... either age of pamparious or....GET IT ON!!! (love that song!) I also listened to ALL of my HIM cds today. Since my trip i have ALL of their full-length albums. (no EP's, sorry!!)

i'm also happy cuz we got HD-TV today (installed) on the bigg easy (AKA- the big screen). and dan & i went and bought dadum a remote called the kameleon (since we got like 4 remotes now we got sick of them & we bought this 1 cuz u can program ALL those other remotes INTO it & it stores sheiss in it's memory...and stuff..i guess). & while we bought that i got JACKASS the movie & FIGHT CLUB (to replace when my parents sold my other copy because apparently they dont like me watching R-rated movies...hmmmm...)

yep, and children- my bday is on monday! oh yeah! i also got my eye appointment then, so i can get more contacts! YAY! see, i lost the left 1 in blockbuster last night so i figured there was absolutely no use for the other 1 so i just got that 1 out & dropped it on the floor. I'm the best customer ever, arent i? So ya, i got the mothman prophecies, which was double O- double K (OOKK). deff not the best movie ever, but what can ya do? oi.

i forgot to mention before that while i was over in GERMany i went to classes with my german! so anyway, i learned that they got a mini Bam Margera over there (whom is also adorable, not as pale though) his name is Moritz & i first saw him rolling around their French class in a shopping cart! then later he bounced on it ever-so-merrily! I LOVE GERMANY! so anyway, in their politik class they all started shouting "FUCK!!FUCK, FUCKITY FUCK FUCK!" EXCEPT THEY PRONOUNCED IT LIKE "fock!!fock fock fockity fock!!!" so i leaned over to manja (my german) and i said "ya, we pronounce it FUCK" so she yells-"The americans say FUCK!" AND SO WE ALL STARTED YELLING FUCK AGAIN & FINALLY THE TEACH SAYS VERY CALMLY "enough with all the fucks."

ich leibe Germany!

i would also like to mention that i found an awesome REAL leather jacket for only 20 euro. thank you and good night!

SONG OF THE DAY: age of pamparius by-Turbonegro

*so you think you had an opera

so you think you had a napoli

so you think you had a decent pizza

so you think you had a real good pizza

well not like this!*

you got nothing to lose at pamparius

gonna wear them happy shoes tonight

you got nothing to lose at pamparius

gonna bake a mutherfucking pizza tonight

*so you think you had a pepperoni

so you think you had a calzone

so you thought you could make your own

so you thought you could take it home

well not like this!*

you got nothing to lose at pamparius

gonna wear them happy shoes tonight

you got nothing to lose at pamparius

gonna bake a mutherfucking pizza tonight

apocalypse dudes got nothing to lose

gonna stomp some teenage ass tonight

apocalypse dudes got nothig to lose

gonna bake some mutherfucking magic tonight!

QUOTE OF THE DAY: "all i really needed was a happy meal...."~melissa

much love~ boticellis babe

Posted by rebellion2/whatafluck at 1:07 AM CDT
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Friday, June 18, 2004

Yay!!! Back in Amereca!!! so i was supposed to be back yesturday except for the turds at the airport thought it was too dangerous to fly through the lightning *gasp*! so in all, going to & from europe i have had 7 plane rides. and now i also have an airplane blanket from american airlines (but don't tell them i took it!....!!) yeah, it was freaking hell. cuz i went 9 hrs. from munich 2 phillie, phillie 2 pittsburg, then pitts was to pansy to fly in a storm and changed us to a flight this morning going to TEXAS (of all freaking places...) dallas, then dallas to MO. Now, we also had problems on the way to GERMany, too... freaking TWA decided to delay our first flight of the whole trip 2 hours, then had the nerve to tell us that they need to get sheisse off the runway & that the fucking tires had to be changed. so we changed planes to laguarda (NY) & then laguarda 2 phillie, phillie 2 munich.

laguarda 2 phillie i had a 24-7 yr old european dude rubbing up against me the whole freaking flight (ARGGGHH!) then finally when we got 2 munich we got to the hostel and went around to see the best bars. i believe it was my 2nd or third day that i had a sex on the beach, a little grappa with a samuel adams, and (my fav!) pina colada. then when we were running to get to the harry potter thingy there (which opened a day b4 america did) it was raining, i slipped & fell on a freaking iron grate & yelled "FUUUUCK!!" i still have a bruise bigger than a baseball on my thigh. i got it 2 weeks ago...

last night when we got 2 our hotel it was good. since megan had been traveling abroad b4 w/ michaelson so she got our rooms on her dads card (thank the lord!) & i roomed with her. which turned out to be a good thing!

megan saw blake nekid, i slapped blake's ass (hey! he was shaking it in my face on the bed... whats a girl to do?), and we had muffins at like 1 or 2 in the morning, i saw chris shirtless (pretty cute!) & i am currently wearing blake's pants. meanwhile megan is wearing his boxers. before in the airport she goes "my boxers are bunching!" then dan said "my hoisery is bunching!", then i said "damn, blake isn't gunna get his pants back, i don't even own any this comfy!"

also, the morning before we left, i was scouring ludwigsburg for poster tubes. so i stopped for lunch with floristan & then dan comes up to me (it's about 12 in morning) and says "can u keep a secret?" (while whispering). i say "ok, what is it?" "I'm a wee bit drunk! hehehehehehehe! do i act like it???"

"no...u always act like this!" i was rolling on the ground laughing cuz then he shows me a empty rum bottle called "captain jack" & it showed 54% alcohol!!!

I SLAPPED BLAKES ASS!! dan slept on blakes ass! i love blakes ass!

more to come.....


Posted by rebellion2/whatafluck at 1:04 AM CDT
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Monday, 31 May 2004

as the title reads. this is REALLY the calm before the storm. I've got to finish packing tomorrow & im gunna just have fun before i leave on tuesday. Got a book to read on the plane-"THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA". I know it sounds like a fashionista would read it, but NO :) So anywa. My favorite song of the moment is THE HAZE by ELFPOWER(thanx chris!)


screw it, can't find the lyrics
just pick up the elfpower cd CREATURES & listen to #9!

~shredded V wings~

Posted by rebellion2/whatafluck at 12:06 AM CDT
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Friday, 28 May 2004

I know it's been awhile since this came out (by COLDPLAY), but i just got it & i love it. yes children- I AM GOING SOFT. *weeps silently* it's true, i really seem to be going soft. I'm dressing in pink, white, and black (my pinstripe blazer of course ;)). I'm not wearing stilletos (is that how it's spelled?) and i'm going to germany 6 days earlier than expected.... yeah, i know, it's a big bomb to drop, but it's ture. I'm leaving on the 1st & staying at a hostel in berlin until the 6th, which is when i'll be going to ludwigsburg to see my dear friend manja (my german exchange student). I'm soooo happy to be seeing her so soon again!! So, anyway- i've got a song for you... by COLDPLAY (of course).


Lights go out and I can't be saved
Tides that I tried to swim against
Put me down upon my knees
Oh I beg, I beg and plead singin'

Come out of things unsaid
Shoot, an apple off my head.
And the
Trouble that cant be named
The tiger's waiting to be tamed singin'

You are
You are

Confusion never stops
Closing walls and ticking clocks
Gonna come back and take you home
I could not stop but you now know, singin'

Come out upon my seas,
Curse missed opportunities
Am I a part of the cure
Or am I part of the disease, singin'

You are, you are
You are, you are
You are, you are

Nothing else compares.
Oh, no nothing else compares
Oh, no nothing else compares

You are
You are

Home, home where I wanted to go
Home, home where I wanted to go
Home, home where I wanted to go
Home, home where I wanted to go

This, of course is what will soothe my head on my 8 haour flight & my 6 hr layover. See you all, much love!

"PIMPITY, PIMPITY, PIMPITY, PIMP!" ~my mother, after i said my corset was "pimpin'"

~shredded V wings~

Posted by rebellion2/whatafluck at 4:41 PM CDT
Updated: Saturday, 29 May 2004 12:11 AM CDT
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Tuesday, 25 May 2004

i've probably mentioned these guys before- but this band is bitchin'. They're called AUF DER MAUR & their new single is called FOLLOWED THE WAVES. so far there is only the single, so of course it's on an EP called FOLLOWED THE WAVES. It's really good & the lead singer has a sorta alanis morisette type thing going on. Static-X is also one of my rotated favorites lately with their song COLD, which was in the movie QUEEN OF THE DAMNED (featuring Aaliyah & Stuart Townsend). Was the REALLY good song in the scene where Lestat (townsend) was crawling on the ground & then wall in front of the two groupies at his mansion. (I LOVE that scene!!! SOOOOOO sexy, townsend crawling around in tight leather pants!! *squeals*) Ok, they also do the song THIS IS NOT, which i think is the perfect anthem for working at an office where you have to wear a button-down shirt & a tie:
"this is not my mind, this is not my home, this is not my choice- I HATE THIS!!"

This Time Imperfect
(Sing the Sorrow)

I cannot leave here, I cannot stay
Forever haunted, more than afraid
Asphyxiate on words I would say
I'm drawn to a blackened sky as I turn blue

There are no flowers, no, not this time
There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find
I'd show a smile but I'm too weak
I'd share with you, could I only speak, just how much this hurts me

I cannot stay here, I cannot leave
Just like all I loved, I'm make believe
Imagined heart, I disappear
Seems.. no one will appear here and make me real

There are no flowers, no, not this time
There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find
I'd show a smile but I'm too weak
I'd share with you, could I only speak, just how much this hurts me

I'd tell you how it haunts me
Cuts through my day and sinks into my dreams
I'd tell you how it haunts me
Cuts through my day and sinks into my dreams
You don't care that it haunts me

There are no flowers, no, not this time
There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find
I'd show a smile but I'm too weak
I'd share with you, could I only speak, just how much this hurts me
Just how much this hurts me
Just how much you..

That was an AFI song from STS (sing the sorrow)

much love-
"we all go a little mad sometimes..."- Norman Bates, Pyscho

~shredded V wings~

Posted by rebellion2/whatafluck at 2:12 AM CDT
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Monday, 24 May 2004

that was my cousin asking his brother for some bullets (they were shooting clay pigeons). Yes, I love my cousin, he taught me my first song on guitar- "for whom the bell tolls" by METALLICA. Yes, he's also a metallica freakazoid....It's ok though...I forgive him. Anyway, i'm leaving for GERMANY (WOOHOO!!) on the 6th & staying for 2 weeks... good times, not sure if im gunna make it back for my birthday though! Oh well, a birthday in a foreign country aint so bad... as long as im not in the airport... (grrrr). Ok, so.....I don't really have any more on music.. I did watch PSYCHO today though. I must admit that the shower scene was pretty good- even though it showed that the girl was being stabbed in the chest- but showed no wounds there. Either way it was fairly decent. 2 thumbs up. (I'm required to say that cuz it's a classic :))

"Science or adult entertainment-You be the judge."
~Chris Pontius, Wild Boys

~shredded V wings~

Posted by rebellion2/whatafluck at 5:46 PM CDT
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Friday, 21 May 2004

this is my poem i just wrote- do you like?? i.m. or post requests for a poem u would like me to write!



listening to rage against the machine-sleep now in the fire-battle of los angeles.I shall now pick a song... a song for no reason.. i will be back, even though u can't really take notice of my presence becuz its not like im on aim, or am i??!! 3ither way, i'll be back in a few...


Lyrics: Davey Havok
what was it i was thinking, or was i even thinking at all? when i think of what i thought back then, then i'm ashamed; and i'm appalled that i gave up all i was so easily. living your life is not for me. i won't be sedated, i won't be sedated! give me a little taste and i know i won't want more. i won't be sedated, stability is overrated. give me the disorder i adore. i can't be a part, be a part, i can't be a part. i can't be a part, be a part of your modern world. i've gotta be apart, be apart, i've gotta be apart. i've gotta be apart. i can't grasp the values that you hold. what was it you were thinking, or were you even thinking at all? when i think of what you thought of me, i take offense; and i'm appalled that you could discount all i love so easily. living our life is not for me.

oh yeah, bee-otch. what now? huh? HUH? hUh?! yeah, i said a few & i was right, wad'nt i?!
k, soooo, umm quote of the day:
Me-"I was just thinking of keith in the pink thong & bra!!! hahah!!"
Me laughing ass off
Sandi- "keith in the thong still?"
Me-"this time he's got a feather boa & he was dancing around with it in a strip club!!!" laughing...

What have we learned from this quote of the day, children??

have a nice day. wear condoms that don't break. The ones that do break don't help. And the world isn't ready for you to reproduce yet :) MERRY CHRISTMAS....DUMBASS!

~shredded V wings~

Posted by rebellion2/whatafluck at 11:18 PM CDT
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Thursday, 20 May 2004

Ok, basically I'm just gunna list songs that I'm hearing, k? Alrighty-o:

AFI- two of a kind-very proud of ya
METALLICA-ride the lightning-ride the lightning
HOT ACTION COP-busted-hot action cop
TUPAC SHAKUR-2 of amerikaz most wanted-all eyes on me
TRANSPLANTS- sad but true-transplants
STATIC-X- this is not-machine
PINK FLOYD-welcome to the machine-wish you were here
SMASHING PUMPKINS-1979-melanchoy and the....
FINCH-new kid-falling into place
COLDPLAY-in my place-live 2003
BAD RELIGION-broken-the process of belief
BREAKING BENJAMIN-next to nothing-saturate
INCUBUS-pistola-a crow left of the murder
LOST PROPHETS-fake sounds of progression-"
EVANESCENCE-taking over me-fallen
FIONA APPLE-never is a promise-tidal
DISTURED-bound-music as a weapon
TUPAC SHAKUR-tradin war stories-all eyez on me

Ok, if you people havn't noticed, I do have a new blog on XANGA- check it out soon! it's in the BOTICELLI BLOG thingy in the right-hand column. G'morning.

"A friend is someone who will help you move; A good friend is someone who will help you move a body."

~shredded V wings~

Posted by rebellion2/whatafluck at 9:00 PM CDT
Updated: Friday, 21 May 2004 12:25 AM CDT
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