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Vegetarians Unite!

Hey, you! Where have you been? We've moved!

Check out our new site here:

here is this comic! I think the penguin is cute ^_^
Okay Here is the home page... We put all of our cute kooky and fun home page-y stuff ^_^

first order of business *ahem*
We would Like to have a round of applause for Candy! Co-owner and HTML-er of this Webbie Why the applause you ask? Because she won a PETA essay contest! Now she gets a free t-shirt!

Second order of business A new part of the webpage! We are now currently constructing an about the authors of the website page! Hip-Hip-HOORAY!!!

Third order of business PETA okay, I do not want to critisize these good people except one thing... on their website they encourage children to cut up their parent's mastercards! and they target that part of the site to children because mastercard supports a circus. Now, I support them with PETCO I even went along with the throw paint on people who wear fur coats thing... But this is RIDICULOUS! please write in the guestbook if you agree.

(Hey, Renee here. Just for the record, I don't agree with the whole throw paint on fur coats thing. Just thought you'd be intersted to know.)

Tiny stuff you might wanna know:
{.}If there are any errors on the site, then please don't bother emailing us *unless your Renee's relative or Candy's relative or my HTML guru Cheenie* We are currently labeling this site under construction so please... don't mind our little messie ^_^

Heyyyy!!! We haven't updated in awhile. Summer is gone-unfortunately-and fall is always so stressful, so don't expect too much!!! But this is my to-do list before December holidays:
-Add the about the Authors page
-Add a vegetarian food review
-Add more links
-Remember the other stuff I want to do.
{.} Um, the comics page is a little shakey but please email us if you have anygood websites that have vegetarian comics thank you!

{.} Last thing you need to know! How many people who have signed up for the newsletter: NONE!!!! Thanks a bunch! {sarcasm} It's only written up by yours truly with cute graphics and neat info and *sigh* just sign up okay? Send us an email if you want it... < Cursor by www.Soup-Faerie.Com

Benefits of being a vegetarian