What Now?!?

If at this poinot, you understand, you shouldn't.

Fear and Loathing in B-town

Fear and Loathing, two simple, bottomless emotions w hom describe accurately the answer to the questions we will never stop asking.


The New One (unless old).

Gasping for meaning in the bottom of a bottled borough.

Profile of an Uberadentoner: Josh.

Things we say, though sometimes we wish we hadn't.

Something I just had to say to the world my friends and such.

Birthday Bible Bunking.
Legal because nothing wasn't.

I would like the help of all those who visit this site in helping me plan a, "list of things to do in the next year." This list will be accopmlished in Uberadenton styly. Use the link at the bottom. Keep in mind that this can be as specific as, "go to Fantasy Fest and skare the skary people," to something as borad as, "learn another language."

Kewl Links

Here are other worthy sites to follow if you are looking for the American Dream, or slightly inunderstandable humour.

Angry in Gainseville

Abomino Ergo Sum

Justin's Page
