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ECA Tournament
East Coast Alliance Forums

It's a shame, a mighty shame. A good lot of you NC and SC Ravens missed a great set-up. Thorn and I put a lot of energy into his tournament, and it's really discouraging with the turnout we had. Thorn was expecting anywhere from 8-13 guests, and come game time there were only 5 of us: Thorn, Frodo, Thorn's relative, Arcadia and I.

Courtesy of Arcadia we had an iLink hub at the event, and therefore we had a free-for-all 4 player set-up by iLink as you can see in the image. Since we didn't have enough people for the tournament we had a lot of awesome 4-way blade bouts and grudge matches. All I can say is try to come next time and you won't miss out on the action!

The Players
Thorn who is a member of the ACO, ECA, and AC Garage forums hosted this event in NC. Most if not all of the matches we played were 4-way battles. Thorn used a variety of designs, ranging from WAKE equipped MOONLIGHT midweights to VM40/1 heavyweights. He preserved the identity and meaning of the blader's path, proving even to the GRSL weilding likes of Arcadia and I that blades are still a fomidable weapon.

Frodo piloted a few hover designs early on, then forsook them and their low DEF for a TITAN equipped heavyweight. Surprisingly he was able to fade out of battle numerous times, only to come up from behind and hammer, if not come incredibly close to hammering the rest of us with a TITAN. I've never seen anyone work well with, let alone score with a TITAN before. Kudos to him.

Tommy two guns, a relative of Thorn was present also. He piloted a unique dual MG design with the dual ammo pack back part. While he was well versed with his design his dual MGs just couldn't make a large enough presence on the battle field, next to powerhouse setups like Thorn's and Arcadia's vertical missile setups.

Arcadia who rode with me to the event, improved drastically over the course of the day. He first started with his new found staple Pendulum, a reverse-joint VM20/1 AC with the MG-800 and the GRSL-20. But then he moved on to a KARASAWA equipped RJ, Nemetai, and became so handy with it so quick I had to really work it to survive. Arcadia also proved to be quite a deadly blader with our group's blade's only battles.

Dispite the bad turnout we had a great time anyway, the skill level was varied but that didn't stop anyone from winning a good couple matches here or there. I got some pictures on my digital camera to entice more of you to turn up next time. It would have been an awesome tournament!

Here is Arcadia's reverse-joint KARASAWA design Nemetai, which he used throughtout the event, fine-tuning it's specs from the night before. This was from our 4-way battle in the reservoir, which quickly turned into a 1-on-1 between my Rape design and Arcadia's.
Another pic from the reservoir 4-way. Here Arcadia was using the OB jousting strategy to peg Rape with his KARASAWA, narrowing escaping my GRSL shell.
Thorn and his sparring partner Frodo work together on designs, making this dual back-launching vertical missile AC that gave Arcadia's deekless Pendulum a run for his money early on in the day.
Pic of Rape getting out of the thick of battle between two VM40/1 heavyweights and Nemetai. Normaly I would never use Rape against human players, but I've found that in a 4-way match I can exercise manipulate strategies and survival tactics that make the design fare very well in a 4-way. The dual gun offense of BZ-50 and GRSL is great to use against unsuspecting players after emptying my OC/15.

Pictures page two