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Welcome to the world of Tomtyke

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I have updated the site, it's got a new forum, the pictures are back up, and there is a new URL. So it's all good.

Hello guys, welcome to my site. This is my latest update on the site and I am doing it in HTML for no good reason whatsoever. Hopefully though, the site will look better and have more content, and it should also be easier for me to update it, rather going through the tricky angelfire process of creating a site. Never fear though, my site will still have your favourite bits, such as the pictures of my socks, but now your tomtyke viewing experience will be better then ever!
If all goes well I may be able to update the site regularly, it will look better, and become a huge success, making me lots of money and so forth. As you can see, I have not lost my habit of rambling when I don't know what to say, and this theme will be continued throughout.

5th April 2005

Kleptimous has made his appearance on this site, and has now got his own forum. Hopefully it will see more activity and the goblin based anger can continue. The site seems to be going well, and I have been getting many hits lately, for which I thank you. I'm hoping to add some more games soon, hang in there. Until next time, take care, Tom

26th March 2005

So, it may appear like I have been completely neglecting the site, but I frequent it every day. I'm going to get even more games, and some super cool new shit too. I've been working on other projects too, such as a skatepark website, and a site for the cricket club I play for. It's absolutely great that the site is doing so well though, I never expected it to get more than 500 hits, so to top 3000 is incredible.

Take care guys, Tom.

29th July 2004

The new forum is up, and I have sorted out some bugs with the humour section, apparently I had linked the pages to those from my old site, instead of to those for this new updated beast of a webpage you have before you. The hits are also going up like crazy, especially since I advertised the page as 'Hot Lesbian Action'. Incidentally, if you are here because of that, I assure you there is no porn whatsoever to be found on these pages, and thanks for increasing my hit counter =)

Take care guys, Tom.

23rd May, 2004

Ok, so the forum is shit. Invision sucks ass, however I am going to create a new, better one on proboards soon. As you can see, I have updated the images, I thought it needed doing. Thats all I guess.

Take care guys, Tom.

29th February, 2004

What a difference a day makes. I have added a new sub-section, humour, which has 4 (soon to be 5) different catagories within. I also have a message board. After dismissing the idea yesterday, I found a site which provides free boards. I also looked at creating a blog, which may happen soon. I'm scouting for games to use, as soon as I find some good ones I'll add them. PLEASE check out my board folks!

Take care guys, Tom -aka THE tomtyke.

28th February, 2004

So having gotten the hang of this HTML lark, I have been updating like mad lately, my guestbook is back up, I have TWO, count them, TWO, polls and as the crowning achievement of my site so far I have a few games added too. Hopefully pretty soon I might get a blog, I was trying to get a message board but I realised it would take up too much of my space if I was to, as to post you would have to become a member. Depending on if I can find an alternate way, it may happen sometime. I am also trying to learn some basic JavaScript, to improve site layout, so a better layout looks likely. Also, to show that feedback is appreciated, I acted upon some advice and made the background colour a bit darker. I also achieved my 100th visitor sometime in the week, which shows advertising on the Studentcentre does work lol.
Pretty soon my site may become half decent.

People who I have to say hi to