Roleplay #: 3 - Record: 0 - 0 - 0 - Next Match: Tazz vs. HBK,HHH,Brock Lesnar, "Hollywood" Hogan, Christian, Rene Dupree, Monoxide,

|::| We slowly fade in from a black background to see a shadowy figure sitting up against the wall in a very dark, secluted space. A dim light from the top of the expensive light weight WWF TV camera shines in the persons general direction as we can only see an outline of who it may be... As the camera man slowly inches his way forward we start to make out the fact that it is Smackdown Superstar TAZZ!! Once again, as always, We vaguely see that Tazz is wearing a thick black towel over his head, as well as his black and orange wrestling attire. The camera man stays locked on the motionless Tazz as he now slowly begins to speak. |::|

Tazz: I'm already sick of all these punks! Hogan thinks that he still runs this place even though he is closer to death than he is to being at his best. Brock Lesn-ah is nothing more than a steriod popping b*tch who has no real talent in that medically altered body of his... Monoxide is nothing more than a bloodied punk who seems to carry himself in high esteem even though he looks like a piece of crap floating around... And Triple H, |::| Creepy Laugh |::| Don't even get me started on that pile of sh*t! You see, I've spent years in this industry... Stepping up to punk ass b*tches, and dropping them on their head! They all did the same thing... They looked down upon me, and pretended like I was nothing since I didnt stand 6'6... But the second that the bell rang, They were crying out in pain.. Wishing that I would just end it all, and snap their neck! You see I'm not a newcomer to this industry, I've been up and down these roads before... But have I ever held the WWF Heavyweight Championship?! |::| Pauses |::| No. Have I ever gotten my hands on the biggest fraud known to this industry... The Undertaker?! |::| Pauses again |::| No. That is why this upcoming match on Smackdown means everything to me.. I'll find joy in snapping Hogan's neck.. And I'll find Joy throwing Brock Lesn-ah's medically altered body over the top rope.. Ya bettah F*CKIN' Believe it.. but the truth of the matter is, That I will NOT REST untill Tak-ah's blood is on my hands, and the WWF Championship is firmly around my waist! These other punks are nothing more than trophy b*tches... People who the WWF are throwing into the mix, because they want to stir up some buzz for their main event at Wrestlemania... Names like Hogan, Monoxide, and Shawn Michaels... Sound good in theory, but those punks are nothing more than washed up fools! I know you've heard it time and time again, but it's the F*ckin' truth. And that is why Vince McMahon was smart enough to get me into this match... He knew that the rest of those punks couldn't carry their own names, let alone a main event at Wrestlemania.. So he quickly threw me into the mix. And when I throw that final person out of the ring, and stand before all of you as the new number one contender.. The very first thing that I am going to do is go backstage.. Find The Undertaker... And tell him that he only has 30 days to cling to that Title.. Because at Wrestlemania, I'm going to CHOKE HIS ASS OUT! The WWF Championship was created not for punks like Tak-ah, or Michaels... Nah. Those b*tches are nothing more than names who have no real skill.. You see the WWF Championship was molded, and crafted for the likes of ME. Someone who can actually stand before you and give you a wrestling match! Who can actually stand across the ring from an oponent and strike fear into their soul!! Tak-ah aint nothing but a punk ass b*tch.. and after I go through Smackdown and become the number one contender... The only thing that he is going to have to worry about is setting up his funeral, because I'll be comin' for him... Mark my F*CKIN' Words... Tazz is coming for you... Tak-ah!

|::| We slowly fade to black once again as we see Tazz slump back over. He seems to be looking straight at the ground, almost in some sort of a transe as he must be thinking about his upcoming match on Smackdown! |::|

...First Smackdown, THEN... Wrestlemania...

WWF Achievements: Smackdown Main Event (x1)