
Majority says it's time to die cuz we would rather spoil ourselves than save your life.

What's it to us cuz we don't know you and we don't know your situation?

We alone have been blessed by God's grace and you don't deserve to share it.

Leave us alone and go back to die with the rest of your unfortunate nation.


America when will you see that you're not the majority?

Your selfish motives put me to shame as a fellow American.

Your selfish hoarding of the starving's wealth is killing children every day of our lives.

But still you get fat off of God's blessings at the expense of another's demise.


We've already been blessed enough to grow up in a christian nation.

We can worship God freely and have more oppurtunities to be saved.

Let that be enough of a divine blessing from above.

Give freely what excess you have to the needy in a spirit of love.


America why can't you see that you're not the majority.

Your selfish motives put me to shame as a fellow American.

Your selfish hoarding of the starving's worth is killing children every day of our lives.

And still you get fat off God's blessing at the expense of another's demise.


Majorities song download.

Majorities (live and acoustic!) song download.