Kerri's Brownies

Kerri's Brownies

It all started one day at school.

Kerri asked Bryan to come to small group.

Bryan said "Nah", but Kerri said "come on,

I'll make some brownies and it'll be fun.

And bring that crazy brother of yours.

I know he rocks it to the core."

So they came to her house,

But the brownies were'nt there, they were in a box on the shelf.



Kerri's Brownies, they were meant to be.

Kerri's Brownies, they were destiny.

Kerri's Brownies, they were made for me.

Kerri's Brownies, they were sent from God, can't you see?


For Jordan it was just another one of those days.

It was always getting into his way.

But little did he know that at her house

his dream was right there waiting.

They didn't really talk, but that's okay

cuz God brought them together another day.

Now the world as we know it is bound to be seized

all thanks to Kerri's Brownies.




Kerri's Brownies song download.