Hollywood Has Gone To The Bad Place


Your brainwashing system makes me sick

sucking everyone's blood like a tick

and we're so sick and tired of it!

we're so sick and tired of it!!

You suck the minds out of these kids

then give America a few more bids

and we're so sick and tired of it!

We're so sick and tired of it!!


Hollywood you've gone down the drain.

You really do need a new brain.

Hollywood you've gone down the drain.

You've been hit by Hell's reign.


You like to sell all of these sins

cause people buy to fill your money bins.

And we're so sick and tired of it!

We're so sick and tired of it!

Your corruption has gone too far.

For too long have kids been stuck in tar.

And we're so sick and tired of it!

And we're so sick and tired of it!




In the end you've just killed us.

You shot us down and we're bleeding.

We scream for help but to no avail

Because you're still trapped in Hell.


Hollywood... song download.