Songs recorded so far...

Listed by Grouping and Chronological order, and also listed in Alphabetical Order

(listed by grouping on cds)

(Mike's Punks Medley- 4:28)

GxPx- 1:03

Punkin' Grunge- 2:00

Mike's Punks (Old School Punk-old version)- 1:20

Let's Ride- 2:23

Grundge Chaos- 2:20

Dead or Alive- 1:53

Sestina de Materialisme- :25

Floating Scarabs Medley- 7:06

Purgatory- 4:54

America is an Oxymoron- 2:09

American Punk (Nimrod)- 1:22

?- :57

Simple-Minded Hypocrites- 6:28

Have a Nice Grungy Day!- 4:03

Sporadic Trinitrotoluene(old extended version)- 4:56

Ride the Pavement- 3:38

Matchmakers- 3:46

The Punkins are Loose (old, unfinished version)- 1:02

Shifting Minds- 2:53

Let it Happen- 9:42

You Can Never Trust the Quietones- 2:26

Nimrod Ska intro- :59

Nimrod- 7:48

Loudoun County Public Schools- 3:29


Terremoto!- 9

Lamentations- 14

A.D.H.D.- 1

The Couch Monkies Theme(Combustible Calamari)- 1

Cloud Level- ?

Leviathan (Leviathan, Monster, Golgotha, Reprise Medley)- 28


GxPx(new, vocals)- 1:01

Simple- Minded Hypocrites(new, vocals)- 4:02

December's Tribute to November- 4:24

America is an Oxymoron(new, vocals)- 2:47

Kerri's Brownies- 2:24

Grundge Chaos(Turbo)- 2:26

Lights Out

Floating Scarabs(simplified, organized, vocals)- 5:03

Nimrod (simplified, vocals)- 5:36

Mike's Punks(new song)- 1:10

Days and Nights- 4:29

(Terremoto of the Quietones Live from Room 222)

GxPx and SimpleMinded Hypocrites- 4:59

Days and Nights- 4:33


The Death of Calibretto- 3:29

The Rise of the Moon- 2:56

The Coming of Autumn(unfinished)- 2:09

Old School Punk (new clean organized, vocals)- 1:45

I need to start a band- 4:11

Creation!- 4:11

Pheautcher- 11:09

Washington's '63 Grave Roll- 6:11

Simple Minds- 3:35

Christmas Lamentations- 6:51


Sinking Scarabs- 7:18

Sinking Scarabs(more basic, forgotten part added, remixed, louder and clearer)- 6:25

GrunjPunkins Theme- 6:07

How to Get to Heaven- 7:34

Christmas Song- 5:42

The Punkins are Loose!- 4:03

Can't See Not Saying(just to fill up space)- 1:16

Hollywood is going to kill America- 4:55

Sestina De Materialisme- 5:28

i Teriyaki Socket!- 4:02

The Quietones(Graduation)- 4:11


Alphabetical list and of our songs recorded so far...with links to each's song lyric and info page:


America is an Oxymoron- 2:47

American Punk (Nimrod)- 1:22

Christmas Lamentations- 6:51

Christmas Song- 5:42

The Coming of Autumn- 2:09

Creation!- 4:11

The Couch Monkies Theme(Combustible Calamari)- 1

Dead or Alive- 1:53

Days and Nights- 4:33

The Death of Calibretto- 3:29

December's Tribute to November- 4:24

Floating Scarabs Medley- 7:06

Grundge Chaos- 2:20

GxPx- 1:03

GrunjPunkins Theme- 6:07

Have a Nice Grungy Day!- 4:03

Hollywood is going to kill America- 4:55

How to Get to Heaven- 7:34

I need to start a band- 4:11

Kerri's Brownies- 2:24

Lamentations- 14

Let it Happen- 9:42

Let's Ride- 2:23

Leviathan (Leviathan, Monster, Golgotha, Reprise Medley)- 28

Loudoun County Public School- 3:29

Matchmakers- 3:46

Mike's Punks- 1:10

(Mike's Punks Medley- 4:28)

Nimrod- 7:48

Old School Punk- 1:45

Pheautcher- 11:09

Punkin' Grunge- 2:00

The Punkins are Loose!- 4:03

Purgatory- 4:54

The Quietones(Graduation)- 4:11

Ride the Pavement- 3:38

The Rise of the Moon- 2:56

Sestina De Materialisme- 5:28

Shifting Minds- 2:53

Simple Minds- 3:35

Simple-Minded Hypocrites- 6:28

Sinking Scarabs- 7:18

Sporadic Trinitrotoluene(old extended version)- 4:56

i Teriyaki Socket!- 4:02

Terremoto!- 9

Washington's '63 Grave Roll- 6:11

You Can Never Trust the Quietones- 2:26