Past Current Statuses of Terremoto of the Quietones

11\20/05- After being a band for almost a year, it is time to reestablish our commitments to the band and God and make sure all of us are willing to make this our main priority now and for the rest of our lives according to God's will. Once we figure out if we're all in this for good, then we'll continue our progress and redo our demo.

8/27/5- The Terremoto is reunited and refeuled for another semester of rockage at Liberty University! This year will be much different than the last one since we already have about 5 songs practiced. The band's main priorities are: repractice our 4 songs, change rock the world's pattern so it is more original and create a band theme song as our first band collaberation project. Once those are done we need to find places to play. Other goals include practicing: Lost Humanity, Why do You keep saving me?!, Nimrod, December's..., etc. and also practicing an acoustic set including coffee house appropriate versions of our songs and Days and Nights.

555-Russell, Jordan, and Chris haved rocked their last at LU for their Freshman year. What a year! We got so much done! From nothing to Jordan and Russ barely being able to play the 4 notes in GxPx to getting Kim on drums, to getting songs done, to the first show, to Chris being our drummer, then finally getting songs down, and now making the demo!!! What a year!!! Now the Terremoto of the Quietones will give their demo to friends and Student Life and put their stickers in random places and hope for the best as they go their separate ways for the summer. Hopefully they will listen to the demo and stay in practice and remember everything! Surely God is with us!

28th of the 5!! Jordan and Russell are rocking out the first year of the rest of their lives in dorm 7-up (Maple Leaf), room 222 at Liberty University in the mountains of Lynchburg Virginia at Liberty University for 2005 (this is the 10 year anniversary of dc Talk's Jesus Freak release). They have found their hopefully long-term/permanent drummer, Chris Cooper-he seems to be the ideal drummer. They are practicing their acoustic skills and electric songs (at Chris' Granny's house) working on new songs for the local coffee houses, looking for places to play, and trying to make a demo for the drummer and for Student life at Liberty or friends. Any new songs from Russ will be ones he'll put together from 2004 and before.

25/5-Jordan and Russell are kicking off the first year of the rest of their lives at Liberty University for 2005. They have found their hopefully long-term/permanent drummer. Chris Cooper seems to be the ideal drummer. R and J are continuing school at Liberty University (this is the 10 year anniversary of dc Talk's Jesus Freak release). They are practicing their acoustic skills and working on new songs for the local coffee houses, looking for places to play, and trying to make a demo for the drummer and for Student life at Liberty or friends. Any new songs from Russ will be ones he'll put together from 2004 and before.

Jordan and Russell are looking for the ideal Christian punk drummer while continuing school at Liberty University, living in the dorms there, becoming an acoustic band for the local coffee houses as well as looking for places to play, and hoping to work on a demo. Russell is trying to record as many songs(just him on guitar)as he can during the long christmas break- before the end of his year (2004).

206- Jordan is in Florida for the summer with his family, and Russell is still in Loudoun County with his. Both are relaxing and writing new songs/brain storming/establishing the foundations of the band before they reunite on August 16th at Liberty University to get their degrees, organize their movement and support, find a drummer, practice/get tight, and rock the world to its core!

241-Jordan, Russell, and Kim are beginning school at Liberty University, living in the dorms there, and getting prepared to tackle the objective of: the infamous first ever show of Terremoto of the Quietones!

Jordan, Russell, and Kim are beginning school at Liberty University, living in the dorms there, and getting prepared to tackle the objective of: the infamous first ever show of Terremoto of the Quietones!

Jordan, Russell, and Kim are continuing school at Liberty University, living in the dorms there, and now that they've played their first show, they're working on a demo and looking for places to play.