Band Name!

(from Russ' view)

The band name origin:

At the Bible study Jordan told me (Russ) that he was thinking of the name "The Quiet Kid". In enthusiasm I tapped Jordan on the shoulder and said I had been thinking of the name "The Quiet Ones". 'Twas quite phenomenal I believe, perhaps Divine. Jordan(supposedly) and I were "the quietones" in school who didn't really talk much- whether in thoughtfulness and consideration to others' views, dazes, or fear of persecution. And so the name was a possibility.

When I was out of school during S.O.L.'s time, my mother and I were driving around to different places: Starbucks, dry cleaner, thrift store (to pick up my 6 dollar prom suit), etc. For some reason my mother will suggest something (that I had been thinking of in the back of my mind as a possibility) and it will instantly sound like a good idea and affirm the possility as a very favorable candidate idea for the final work.

I was considerring the name "The Quiet Ones"- which I thought was a boring name with "quiet" and "one" being such simple and boring words. And yet there was simply an essence to them together- as heard in the phrase "look out for the quiet ones", or in Helga Pataki's words: "You can never trust the quiet ones!" So as I was considerring very briefly and distantly the concept of adding something onto "the quiet ones" so my mom reaffirmed this concept- marking it as a good idea because two souls independently came up with the same idea as a good idea- and suggested adding another word to "The Quiet Ones".

She also affirmed the distant idea of using an oxymoronic word to contradict or add another aspect to the word "quietones". She also thought that "The Quiet Ones" would imply a false impression or false advertising to an ignorant audience- that is "the quietones" would imply that we were a quiet band, which is quite a contrast from our hardcore, aggressive, Grunge punk styles.

Also, as noted by me in intense and exhaustive contemplation that consumed my mind, the name "the quiet ones" alone would state that we are...well...quiet ones...heh heh.

The number one goal in this band that I desperately want to accomplish is to break away from the label of a "quiet one". In school and anywhere public, I suppress my beliefs and let the immoral thoughts/ voices of the selfish run rampid and unhindered. I fear persecution so much that I would never give the good news to someone without it coming up in a conversation. And even then, I would probably back down from saying what I believe (if it were a direct question, I would never deny my faith, but I would explain it in a way that wouldn't hurt the other person's beliefs and would avoid mockery). I desperately want a way to break that barrier and this band is the IDEAL means to let it happen. So infact the name "the quiet ones" would be not to imply that we are now quiet ones but that we were quiet ones at one time- now we're stepping out and taking a stand. We are the representatives of the quiet ones. We say what the quiet ones kept from the world. Long is the time that we have been absent from our call to stand. Our time has come. The Quiet Ones are due...

So we were thinking of a word for loud. Nothing boisterous. So I was thinking since we rejected instantly the exhaustively thought out name "The Loose Grunj Punkins" (because we aren't necessarily grunge and I don't want to be called a punk band), basically I was free from all band burdens and would continue my exhaustive search for the ideal band name. I was going back through all of the cool names for bands and song I thought up in my early days of the Couch Monkies Era and came upon the name Terremoto! Which at that time was what I considerred the coolest word ever(now it's the second coolest to Kalamari). My favorite word.

So I planned on someday giving my list of awesome band names and why they'd be good to Jordan for his consideration and so that we could decide on one, or it could go to aid our decision of a band name. I told him that if we couldn't agree on a band name then we'd both pick our favorite band name and put it together into one name- either combining the two into one or something or just tacking them onto each other. So Jordan's only choice for a band name was "The Quiet Kid"- which translated into plural (for a band that isn't solo- his band name was for him as a solo project) would be the quiet ones.

So that could possibly be his choice, which is great cuz i was thinking of the same thing. But the quiet ones alone isn't enough. There are so many bands with a name ending in ones: The lively ones, the ghastly ones, etc. And the word quiet is such a plain, boring word. So I was thinking about terremoto. Somehow I came upon the realization that was the perfect oxymoron for quiet. Terremoto is spanish for Earthquake!!!! How much better could it be. So I considerred "Terremoto of the Quiet Ones". Just the sound of it alone is strikingly and remarkably awesome. Although I think that the word sounds best by itself, having the quiet ones adds much more of a statement, unlike the solo word Terremoto which would cause confusion. "Terremoto of the Quiet Ones" implies that Terremoto is an earthquake from the quiet ones.

So I was looking up definitions for earthquake online... somehow I was looking for cool band names in Latin...heh heh... exhaustive... I found that a synonym for earthquake was "rebellion". I thought that was cool and I had thought for a while that it would be cool to say that we(the band) were the rebellion against evil. So I marked that in my brain. Later that night or maybe the next day, I was talking to Jordan online and I asked him if he'd thought of any cool band names so far (because I told him to think of good band names so that we could combine our ideas into a band name that we would both be completely satisfied with) and he said he was flipping through the Bible and came across the words "The Great Rebellion" which was probably used in a bad context, but that could still be a good band name incorporations or at least a song. I thought that (maybe later I realized it)was ironic/coincidental and that because of that Terremoto is the perfect band name. Because one of it's many synonyms could be for rebellion. It's such an aweseome word because it has so many definitions and uses! Plus just the letters alone are so awesome, and the sound of it. It reminds me of storms, something Japanese, maybe a Japanese storm or hurricane, a Japanese water monster like Godzilla or Kappa. And it's the perfect combo for water and earth in a band name. "Terremoto of the Quietones" together is an awesome band name.

Is it too long? I don't know. But I just realized yesterday(the 164th)that It's initials could be T.K.O. for terremoto of the Kwiet ones..hehe.ehe or you could just call us ToKyO!!!! Yeah!! It's definitely good to have a band name that has several names in it or a good abbreviation. That's so that if we ever stray from our awesome grunjpunk roots than you can call us Terremoto or the quiet ones or ToKyO and people wouldn't put the two together.... and....yeahh..coolness...

Also, it's important to note that almost everytime I meet Jordan, there's some big storm or at least some storm occurring. Whether that's an omen or what, I don't know, but I think it's awesome because that's another factor that can add to the reasons our band should have "Terremoto" in the name, considering that "Terremoto" makes me think of a storm. Awesome.

Origin of Terremoto

I was sitting in spanish class in the 2002-2003 year in spanish class as a junior, 17 years old- during my search for cool song/band names for the Couch Monkies - who I was totally sold out to. Somehow we in going through city, pollution, natural disasters vocab, we came upon the word "terremoto". I thought to myself... That is an awesome word!!! It sounds Japanese, has some of my favorite letters. It sounds surf.. it's so perfect. Terre = Terrestrial. Moto is like Jet Moto or Hello Moto which is like surf and Japanese. Surf and Japanese is like a hurricane. Terremoto reminds me of a Hurricane and blue and green mixing. The ideal band name for Forest meets Ocean. Surf and Turf. Maybe I should hold the name Terremoto! for a surf band..? But then to do so would be to put my creativity and efforts into a new band that wouldn't contribute to my main band that the majority of my heart is poured into. And it wouldn't contribute to our popularity which wouldn't contribute to raising money for the needy and influencing people to listen to our other cds.

One day, before I'd given Terremoto much thought becaues it was still a new idea, I started thinking about it and realized how cool it really was and how perfect for a multistyled band. It starts with a T like This Train, it sounds kind of like Calibretto, it's 4 syllables (good for lyric writing) and now I think that MoTo is a cool word by itself it could be like MxPx and be an abbreviation for something with M and T. like M.T. which is like empty. and M and T could stand for something.

Origin of the Quietones

I think the first time that I came up with that phrase was when I was writing "Simple Minds" in the early hasn't been a year yet..!) I think it was on the bus that I was working out lyrics for it and ...I somehow came up with "You can never trust the quiet ones"... and then I thought that that would be a cool band name for a while but let it pass... man.. i can't really remember what I really thought of it at that time. But then later I was thinking of writing .. oh yeah that's right... I was going to write a song off of the simpleminded hypocrites song called "you can never trust the quiet ones" which would probably be ska styled like simpleminds. And that would focus on the latter lyrics of "Simple Minds" on the quietones phrase. That song was going to be about how me and the people like me are quietones and we don't talk amidst all of those blabber mouths. I was trying to pass it off as us being quiet because we were considerate, but the more I thought about it, the only reason we're quiet is because we are scared or nervous or shy, not considerate. So then I was going to make a protest song against the quiet ones (me included), but I also liked the idea of the song (maybe not the truth, but a possible valid view) fighting for the quiet ones and bashing the loud ones by supporting the quiet ones...


As of 166th the band name "Terremoto of the Quietones" is secured by Jordan and I as our band name, which has its pleasures for both of us. Now with that out of the way, it's time to flourish...or at least let God let us flourish.