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WeLcOmE To ThE TaPe Of DuMb

Let's just take a brief moment to describe the Tape Of Dumb, shall we? The Tape Of Dumb is an enjoyable yet sometimes painful or disgusting way for a group of idiot ass friends to make complete and utter dumbasses of themselves done, most often, in public places. Now that we've got the definition out of the way, let's elaborate on how it all began. The infamous Tape Of Dumb started with two of our crew members, Michael and Stephen, video taping themselves sled riding down a somewhat steep hill. They built a small jump at the top of the second hill where they would hoist themselves over top and come to a crashing stop. As we all sat around watching this tape of ruthless sled-riding fun, we realized that we, too, make asses of ourselves a lot more often than normal people. We are the ignorant people screaming in the movie theatre, we are the annoying little fucks you see racing and squealing tire where it need not be squealed, and sometimes we're even the group that works together to form a cirlce around a crew member lying deadly still in front of Wal*Mart. Yes, friends, that is us you see and this, this is our tribute to our Tape Of Dumb.

*~*The Idiocy*~*

Our Allies In Michigan
Where We Find Entertainment
