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Roleplay Title: You Screw With Me And I'll Make You Famous!!


The scene goes in on Jerry The King Lawler and The coach sitting at ringside....

King: Who the hell was that masked guy and what the hell has he got to do with Pain and why did he attack Good Old Jr?? 

Coach: Well only Pain can answer that!! It seems like everyone around here has gone nuts recently!! We'll take you back to Smackdown when Shane McMahon took on John Cena and Vince McMahon was the special guest referee...

The highlights from the Shane vs. John Cena with Vince McMahon as the special guest referee and the attack by the Undertaker after the end of the match is shown in where Undertaker took out Cena with the last ride, Hit Shane with a chokeslam, took out Vince McMahon with a Last Ride through the announce table and then finished Shane off with a Tombstone Piledriver onto a steel chair and then the sadistic look that The Undertaker had on his face is shown on the Titatron.

King: That was really unforgettable the way that the Undertaker attack not only Cena and Vince McMahon but took out his former friend and wCw owner Shane McMahon and I and from what I understand that the Undertaker has just arrived backstage

Footage is shown of the Undertaker walking through the backstage area

King: It looks like business is about to pick up and Undertaker doesn't look like he's in a good mood!!

Coach: I wouldn't like to get in his way!!

**] Scene cuts to a commercial break [**

The scene comes back on The King and Coach  

All of a sudden the lights dim, a voice says You're Gonna Pay and then Sick Of Life plays over the PA system and out comes The Undertaker 

The crowd erupt with boo's

Coach: Well King you might be wondering why the Undertaker has changed his clothes well here's what happen backstage

On the Titatron Undertaker is shown walking through the backstage area when he turns down one corridor and walks straight into a backstage worker carrying a tray of drinks. Then Undertaker staring at the person, then Undertaker nails the worker with a right hand and then throws him through a glass window and then without another thought carries on to his locker room....

Meanwhile Undertaker has gotten down to the ring and has got the mic off Lillian

 Undertaker: Ah Shut Up, I'm not here to talk to you I'm here to address certain situations, firstly the situation between me and the two jacka$$es of owners backstage you both want to know why I came out to the ring and laid you and rapper boy John Cena out on Smackdown I'll tell you , you see, people around here forgot about the Deadman and forgot that this is my yard and I answer to no one but myself, the reason why I answer to know one is cause you see I've earned it I've kicked more ass than all those backstage put together and no one seems to remember that not have I kicked ass in wCw, WWF and WWE and there isn't one person backstage that I haven't kick their ass from one side of this ring to the other and there is anyone that can stand up to me cause if they do I'll knock them straight back to where they came from and that includes owner but theres one thing that I wont stand for I wont stand for men hitting woman or for people attacking ring announcers cause I may not follow many rules but I wont attack people for no good reason!! And before anyone says why did I attack the backstage worker well he should have watched where he was going and he didn't so I kicked his ass!!

Undertaker: Now on to the main reason why I come out here you see someone backstage likes his life the way it is and decided to give me a shot at the World Title on Raw this week which not only will I wrestle in that match and kick ass but I will win that match and become the First WWF World Champion cause you see there may be some big players in that match but they aint nothing compared to me take The Peoples Chump The Rock, you see he may have never lost that title but before he won that I kicked his ass from one side of the ring to others and after I had finish beating his ass I pinned him 1...2...3!! and The Rock you may call yourself the Great One the so called People Champion but my names The Undertaker and I kick greater peoples ass than yours and as far as being the Peoples Champion I'm the Deadman walking and people may been able to knock me down but no one and I mean no one has keep me down for long!! Rock I got news for you may have made you great return well so did I but you see I never made a big deal out of it but instead I returned and kicked ass like I've always done and will always do, you may be the most electrifying in sports entertainment but I'm the baddest man on the planet hell If the devil was to walk down the ramp I would kick his ass just like he was another punk like you so rocky bring your people elbow, Rock bottom and Sharpshooter and I'll lay you out with the last ride so choke on that Rocky!!

Undertaker: Now on to the So called Wild Man of The WWF Wolfe!! You want to come out to my ring and say all that crap about grabbing a title on Raw well I got news for you the only thing that you will grab on is your head cause you be wondering why the hell you stepped in the ring with a really pissed off Deadman cause not only will I beat you and the others in the match but Ill match sure your watching up at the sky while I either make you a$$ submit with the TCB or pin your a$$ after hitting it with the most powerful move in the wrestling entertainment today The Last Ride and you may think so what its only a powerful powerbomb well after I hit you with it you'll know why no one gets up from the last ride, You may think your the wild one well I got news from news you aint seen wild yet cause on Raw I'm going to raise the bar and I'm going to raise the bar so far above everyone's head that not only will you not be able to reach it or stay at the same level as it that you wont be able to see it and people that come out here and say the exact same things but the weren't me and anyone think that won't well, I'll teach you when I kick your a$$ and if you think that you'll get a match with me well I don't need a match to kick peoples a$$es just ask John Cena and oh my god taker just kicked my a$$ Shane McMahon and I'm the man that fears the Undertaker damn it Vince McMahon!! Cause Wolfe you may think that so what they weren't wrestlers but what I did to them won't compare to what I do to you and the others in the match and trust me you may think that you seen a brutal and violent matches well you haven't seen brutal and violent matches till you seen me kick The Rocks, Wolfe and Brock Lesnar's a$$ for the World Title cause when you go in for a major title like The World Title you don't get any tougher or more evil the big red devil, The Undertaker!! And The Wild Side doesn't get anymore rougher than me so Wolfe you bring your wild side and I make the wild side seem like a tame a$$ b|tch!!

 Undertaker: Now on to the next big thing Brock Lesnar you see I haven't wrestled the next big thing since WWE and I have to admit we had some good matches but what Lesnar doesn't realise is that things have changed and while I'm one of the legends in the wCw/WWF today he aint nothing but a rookie, yeah he's the Intercontinental Champion and he's a so called big player well compared to me he isn't nothing but another little fish in the big sea known as the WWF/wCw and yeah he's strong yeah he has the muscles and has the speed but what Lesnar doesn't have the experience and anger that I have and Lesnar you might think that you can beat anyone but you aint big enough or cleverer enough to that alone take me on but to beat me, you see I've beaten people like you and you know what you don't impress me much. You may think that your the next big thing but the next big thing is going to run straight into the Pain Syndicate, its going to run into Big Evil and The next big thing will meet the man that will not only stop him in his tracks but take the next big thing and prove that the next big thing was only the next big Oh I got my ass kicked by The Undertaker. You know why you had victories so far is that you have some wrestling ability but what you use to use to your advantage is that people fear you beat on Raw you're going against me and I dont like you , I don't respect you and I sure as hell don't fear you  so Lesnar you bring your Next Big Thing a$$ to this ring and I will break cause I not only like you but your standing in my way of becoming the first world champion and unless you don't get out of my way I'll make sure that you go down like just another rookie!! And To Wolfe, The Rock and Lesnar bring your a$$es cause on Raw your going to be just another bunch of guys who got their a$$es kicked by Deadman Inc!!

With that Undertaker drops the mic and heads backstage on his bike

~~~//Show Cuts To A Commercial\\~~~



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