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Why is this website being made?

Well hello hapless wanderer! How is it that you stumbled upon my stupid little site? As the list type thingy says, this is only here ecause I was bored and could think of nothing better to do! Perhaps eventualy I will actualy turn this into something usefull, but for now, it is simply this plain, boring, raisen free, fat free, colestoral free, cardbored tasting web site. Hey! mabey somewhere down the road, Ill even tell you somewhat about myself! But, no, not now, for now, just go away, visit a link, or just leave. Goodbye!

Go see......

the site of JANNY-POOH
Clearly, He is a wieny...-quote from owner of this site about my x
A good way to kill time!
Im a seemstress of sorts, so I had to throw this in
