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Tha Hagster'z Kick Ass Site :D

Monday, 9 August 2004

For starterz...My name'z billy joe bob..not really but do u care? lol naw j.p, it'z hillary...I live in Dodgeville, Wisconsin..where tha weather'z shitty ...but there'z plenty of kick ass people here who make ur day worth while ..I despise prepz *N* tha St.Hoez...who, sadly, r goin to b in my school this year sux..but oh well i guess, i got my girlz ..I get along with pretty much n-e-one..other than prepz *N* tha St.Hoez of course! I swear, they all look alike!..With all tha abercrombie *N* fitch clothez'z hey Leah remember wen we went in there *N* looked around *N* were talkin real loud about how slutty tha clothez were LOL..that wuz great!..No I'm not some heavy-metal rocker so take a chance to read all of this b4 u start thinkin u've got me all figured out ok? Thanx..I listen to mainly hip-hop..but i like rock too..I used to listen to some country, only bcuz my mom alwayz listened to it *N* I guess I got hooked on it too ..woo knowz..I only like listening to techno music wen I'm @ Benchwarmerz(dance club)..I don't like much Pop..thankfully..My favorite colorz r hot pink *N* black..they go good together az u can see! I have a lot of good friendz..they're alwayz there for me..through thick *N* thin *N* I'm so thankful! I know wot I typed in my profile made me sound like some corny ass person, but u know, u gotta grow up @ one point in your life..If u really wanna know some thingz about goez...I don't care if u don't like me, I'm definately not a bitch..I do have a heart lol...If ur on my bad side then of course I'm goin to b a bitch but other than that, I'm actually a nice person..not tha shy type of sweet girl tho lol don't get me wrong..I use my sarcasm a lot lol..hopefully u don't take it too personally tho..if u do, let me know *N* I'll stop..I don't take thingz too far...I'm very out-going, *N* I'm known to b a dork lol..well, a funny one @ that ..I got along with guyz *N* girlz, not one more than tha other...I consider all of my friendz my best friendz..I think lookz r only a but then again, it'z alwayz nice to point out a hot guy...I alwayz do! ..I don't make planz...I jus go out wenever I feel like it, or wenever a friend callz *N* askz me to go out..I don't worry about getting in trouble too much *N* I don't stress over small thingz..I do drugz,I smoke, *N* I drink..hopefully u don't look @ me differently..I wud never pressure someone into doin n-e of it tho..I don't do it too much, *N* I don't talk about it all tha time..I'm a interesting person *N* I do voice my opinion..who doesn't? I like funny guyz..I hate guyz who call themselvez playerz..*N* assholez..I have a problem with going with my instinct..if i think all u want from me iz sex..then I'll prolly dump u on tha spot..sometimez it does take more than three wordz to prove to someone that u love them...i dont' know if ne-one iz going to read this, but i really don't care..I like going to Ridgeway to hang out with some of my friendz'z alwayz fun..I hate Jessica Gardner bcuz she'z a stupid WHORE..who shud die..she once sed to me "I wanna lose weight but I don't wanna lose my boobz, I like my boobz." WTF...pretty sad...If I'm feelin dorky, u'll definately know..I'm alwayz talking wen I'm basically, I'm usually alwayz happy..but everyone getz sad once in a while..I don't get it tho, wenever I'm not talking, jus for a few minutez..someone alwayz askz "wotz wrong?" lol! I don't talk annoyingly tho, don't worry..I actually start conversationz..*N* I keep them going..*N* wen I'm quiet..*N* u ask me wotz wrong like everyone doez..don't fall for it wen I say I'm jus thinking, I alwayz say that wen I'm sad..I made tha mistake of trusting someone who I shudn't of..but i've learned from it..I know better now, sometimez u have to hold thingz bak..even if u don't want to..*N* I found out how hard it iz to let thingz go..I've done a lot of shit in my life..*N* I'm only goin to b 15! I know u may not think it'z good @ all...but I already know thingz that I'm supposed to b learning in tha next few yearz..or experiencing..*N* my parentz hate me bcuz of it..I know that u can never let go of ur past no matter how hard u try..*N* it sux to have ur parentz know wot u've done..bcuz they don't look @ u tha way they used to *N* it real dad livez in IL *N* I haven't seen him for about 6 yearz..I live in WI with my mom *N* my step-dad iz like my best friend..he'z everything u cud ever want in a father..he'z tha best..Me *N* my mom fight a lot..she'z alwayz nagging, something a mother jus doez..but i can't help but say shit back..she judgez my friendz by wot she heard from her stubborn az friendz *N* it sux..she jus doesn't get me like other people do..most of tha time I hate her bcuz of it..but sometimez I'm willing to accept it...I get extremely annoyed of people who pretend to b something their not, jus to fit in..I know it'z hard to live life without n-e friendz..but i mean c'mon! If they don't like u for who u r then they're really not ur friendz..*N* don't say shit to someone that u know u'll regret later, itz jus stupid..*N* watch wot u say to people, u never know wot they mite do to themselvez one day..Itz scarey how u think u know someone so well, u think that they'd never hurt themselvez, then u say some mean shit to them *N* then find out a few dayz later than they commited'z crazy..I know for sure that I can relate to a lot of if u EVER wanna talk about n-ething..jus hit me up..*N* I mean that..Itz stupid if u can't b tha real u, in person or on tha internet..I learned that tha hard way too (*people from gas city IN know wot I'm talking about*) One thing I've learned already, iz that there r no mistakez, jus lessonz..*N* if u think about'z so tru...I'm a good listener! If ne-one every had a problem I wud b there for them *N* comfort them bcuz I roCk! lol..N-e-way, Peace out!!! I'll try *N* update this site az much az I can..

-That One Chic They Call "Her!"

Posted by rebellion2/stoner_chik04 at 9:24 AM
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