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It is with both pleasure and pain that I announce that the time has finally come...we are no longer. Eventually, everything we love passes us by, and the things we enjoy move on to other worlds...

I have enjoyed my time playing for everyone that has come to see Stigmata play. Every show we have ever done, we have opened the show with Alice In Chains' "Whale and Wasp" song. And it's kinda become our key tune. Everytime we'd start, it'd be with that song, and when it kicked in, many of you knew it was time to kick ass. And to those who made that charge everytime we started that song, I love you, and will miss you most... Most of you have been considered friends, some even extended family. And so, it's to you that i feel the hardest in writing this...

Most of you that are familiar with Stigmata know that there has been alot of infighting and problems inside the band. Unfortunately, it did start to spill over into our performances. After our last gig at the Showcase in Corona, I was handed a video that clearly showed how pissed off I was, and how much my guitarist and I were holding back from jamming our guitars through each others' cabinets and bodies... To be honest, it was no eye-opener. I have been extremely unhappy the last 6 months, and can no longer do it.

There's a saying that you should always know when to quit and go home to start over... I knew it months ago. But alot of people kept feeding us this "optimism" shit. I should've known better. This band is a prime example of how things go when you put 4 people together that are cynical, angry, and just plain happier to be left alone. I will start with myself on that... I am not a social person. I am not a party person. I am not a guy who will walk into a bar and tell a joke. Long-time fans of my band know I have had off-and-on substance abuse issues. It makes me hurt, it makes me cry, and it fucks you up. But if anyone reading this is in that position, you know how hard it is to stop and stay stopped. Like my musical mentor, Dave Mustaine, said once, "It's like making love to a don't stop 'til the gorilla's done". And recent events both in and out of the band's issues have kinda made some of my old habits seem really attractive. I have been able to make it for many months without restarting the addiction. But the stress of all the fighting and arguing makes it real easy to turn that way again. The dragon's sleeping...I don't want to walk up and pinch his balls.

My drummer Ashlyn is a wonderful woman, and an incredible musician. I am sincerely gonna miss playing with her. We have played together for the better part of six years now. But, like me, she isn't one to let go of any control we butt heads. It happens in every band. Out of everyone in the band, she and I will probably play together still, albeit in a more reserved way...just jamming in the garage...

Those who know Les and Kevin (my guitarist and bassist, for those who don't know...) are aware of a new project they have together already. I wish them well, and hope they find success in whatever they do. Kevin most of all, I owe my apologies to, as he and I are the ones who fought the most. To the point of violence, I think we would have definitely gone there onstage eventually.

So, with some very harsh feelings, we all met at IHOP for breakfast over on Beach Blvd. by Knott's Berry Farm and discussed our futures. It was collectively decided that we needed to part ways. We have already tried taking breaks and vacations from each other. But it would take only 10 or 15 minutes for the bickering to begin when we'd meet for rehearsal at Matrix. We even tried staying away from each other right up till a gig, and would go onstage, do two songs, and hate the way each of us played.

With that, I also have to apologize to those of you who attended the show at the Viper Room 2 months ago. It had nothing to do with any of you in the crowd. In fact, you were one of our better But, it was another bad night. I was ennervated when i got there. So, it could only go downhill...

So, with this final update to this page, I want to end with at least SOME positive stuff... I wanna thank everyone that helped us along the way. Karen "Mama" Cruf for helping us get gigs with her fool-proof "typewriters in the background" phone calls to clubs. Thanks to Rick Thoren who got our demo to all the clubs that Karen didn't call, and also for working ungodly hours to help with setups at gigs. "Mongo" (Steve Juarez) for all the transport. He has an 18-wheeler, and it was fun to have all our equipment show up in a big truck so we looked all Big thanks to Jeremy Gardner for the sound. (Guess you won't have to be in the middle of us all battling for volume anymore...) A big thanks to all the folks who came to see us, or called in at the college interviews to ask us embarrassing questions. And, we separately thank our friends and families for putting up with us, as well as the ex-girlfriends and boyfriends that packed their shit along the way.

Finally, I wanted to kinda point everyone to some things that are going on, and hopefully turn you on to some cool bands in the O.C. area as well as some sites for places that have helped us with gear issues. So, below, I have provided links to companies and bands we found to be awesome...

My Last Words; I wish you all the best. Everyone that bought a CD, everyone that came to our shows, and anyone who stopped by Matrix during rehearsals to lighten our moods, I love you. Many of you were kind enough to attend many of our shows. From my point onstage, I saw alot of familiar faces over time, and almost felt comforted knowing you were there...and while I may not know all of your names, I know you were there. And I have already been getting the phone calls. While I appreciate it, please don't be so dramatic. It's a band. It's a band that was made up of 3 people that loved music, but hated everything else. And one 6'1" fat-assed, ugly guy (myself) who led the charge right into the ground. Hopefully you all jumped ship before we crashed...


Love & Bruises...

>:-{ Pharaoh

Visit These Sites Often For Stuff that's Cooler Than Us...

The Iron Maidens - World's Only (and best!) Female Tribute to Iron Maiden!!!
Mimic Website
Beyond 7 - Great Orange County band
Mesa Boogie Amps
Jackson Guitars (Thanx Tim Wilson @ the Custom Shop!!!)
Jemsite! A guitar user group. My name is Ankhnaten there...say hi!
The Viper Room (lowest-hanging stage lights in town...)
The Mason Jar - Phoenix, AZ's Greatest Club! (Play'll see)
House of Blues Anaheim/Disney - Play there, visit there,'s a great place.
House Of Blues - Las Vegas/Mandalay Bay - Just like Anaheim, But IT'S VEGAS! YAY!!!!
97.9 KUPD Phoenix Arizona's best station!
Luxor Las Vegas - Pharaoh is there every six months it seems...
Drawing Down The Moon - Great friend Jan Kuehnemund's band
Harlow - My dearest friend Amanda's band...
Hughes & Kettner Amps
Jesus Dress-up (this is Just Fun!!!)
Steve Vai
The Simpsons
Searchbastard - The Bitchiest Search Engine Ever...pretty funny stuff...