The Black Gryphon Inn

You have been restlessly wandering for days, ever pursued by the dark forces that live in the land of Sileo. You and your party have been separated, so very long ago, and there has been no sign they are even alive anymore. So you alone have made it this far into the notorious Reikkin Mountains, which are both barren of goodness and filled with deceit and terror. The nights have been frightening and completed only with shocking visions of monsters on the horizon. The days have been cold and weary, and only the occasional carrion bird has been your guide. You travel on regardless, hoping to find a safe haven. There has not been one for dozens, if not hundreds, of miles.

And, finally, you see a very dull, though semi-apparent light in the distance. Your heart quickens and you move faster than you thought possible with your torn feet, growling stomach, and vicious wounds. The soft light grows ever larger. You cannot believe you have your safe haven.

Then, suddenly, you are lying stiffly in the mud. You blinked rapidly, wondering what happened to rushing towards the light. Then abruptly you feel a heavy weight on your chest, where your neurotic heart lies. A long, intense broadsword is pointing to your inner essence. You slowly move your blurred eyes to the sword's master and all you see in the night is that - blackness, that of the night. Thinking that you have begun to hallucinate, your eyes fall back to the sword's tip, which unexpectedly swerves to your surprised face.

A quiet, impassive voice speaks calmly, "What are you doing here, little wanderer?"

You can only stare blankly into the darkness. You begin to speak but the giant sword drags itself to your quivering throat.

"Never mind, you fool. Get inside. What sort of traveler has not heard of the horrors in the Reikkin?" The sword is swiftly out of sight once more. You hear the faint murmur of footsteps far, far away from your spot in the mud.

"I said get inside, you idiot! I am offering you shelter in this godforsaken land, and if you do not take this, I will delight in watching the rogue drow, winter wolves, and demons rip apart your body."

And so you manage to lift yourself to your feet. Then, you find that you are right upon a large, two story inn which is a pale bronze hue. A small sign hangs haphazardly next to the doorframe.

Do not offend anyone in this Inn; for it shall not be he who smites you, but rather the apathy of Evecaryn

Below this sign was the carved name the Black Gryphon Inn.

With little hesitation, you stagger inwards.
