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Feeling evil?

Welcome to RuBeLLioN!

Hello, and welcome to RuBeLLioN! This will hopefully soon be the #1 website for twisted jokes on the internet! RuBeLLioN will be run by me, Max Rubell, and will feature much more besides sick jokes. RuBeLLioN will have many games and animations, so if you are not a twisted person like I am, take a peek anyways!

Sorry, but RuBeLLioN is STILL under construction. I'm working as fast as I can, people.

RuBeLLioN will have some flash buttons inside, so you will need to have flash to properly see RuBeLLioN. If you cannot see the banner above, it is a good sign that you need to take a short trip to I use a Mac and Internet Explorer, so if you are using something different, it is possible that you may experience problems. If you see any problems, please e-mail me at Trust me, I will be very interested. I want to make sure that RuBeLLioN is accessible by anyone who wishes to see it! After all, I can only see what is on my screen.

RuBeLLioN will be finished by Christmas 2005 at the latest! So make sure to tell your friends about RuBeLLioN, and come back later, you sick bastard!

To view RuBeLLioN ads
click here.

RuBeLLioN = 21% Complete


9 / 19 / 04 - Today I added new joke categories. They are: Disease Jokes, Religious Jokes, Necrophiliac Jokes, Pedofile Jokes, Incest Jokes, and Cancer Jokes (I'm going out on a branch here). I would like to remind everyone one final time that there will be no ethnic jokes whatsoever, so don't bug me about them.

9 / 7 / 04 - Today I have finalized the content of RuBeLLioN. Our Tasteless Jokes will include:

Dead Baby Jokes
Dead Animal Jokes
Blind Jokes
Deaf Jokes
Cripple Jokes
Midget Jokes
Mommy Jokes
Cannibal Jokes
Leper Jokes
Retard Jokes
Feminist Jokes
Homeless People Jokes
Old People Jokes
Disease Jokes
Revolting Jokes
Sexual Jokes
Helen Keller Jokes
John Lennon Jokes
Gay Jokes
Challenger Shuttle Jokes
Princess Diana Jokes
Miscellaneous Tasteless Jokes

I would like to also say for the THIRD time that these jokes are not intended to offend. We must understand that many of the people who feature these jokes have done great things in history, and we must respect that. And also, I WILL NOT put racist jokes on this site, so please don't bug me about it (with the possible exception of Canadians :P). Well, anyways, if any mental people, gay people, crippled people, or dead babies are reading this now, please, don't be offended...

Here is some of the other content of RuBeLLioN:

Hate Mail
Moron Mail
Chat Rooms
Magic Tricks
Optical Illusions
Text (Other Jokes & Stuff)
and much more!

9 / 5 / 04 - I just drew out the
fourth and hopefully final layout
of RuBeLLioN.

Please check back
later for more updates.