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Meg's World



Hey. I'm Meg Gust. As you know, I live in St. Croix Falls, WI. I'm actually currently sitting in detention today, right now. I'd just like to take this oportunity to say that this is a much better detention than my last. I like being able to work on this. Now that brown-nosing is done, maybe I could tell you a little bit about myself. The problem is, I never really know what to say about myself. I can answer questions and stuff, but I'm horrible at offering out knowledge. Most people know me through a sort of osmosis. You stay close to me long enough, you're aura becomes n'sync with mine. In other words, people know me by just hanging out with me. A couple things that people assume about me before they get to know me is that I'm stuck-up and have an attitude. Yeh, I'm just shy and I look angry when I'm sleepy. Just so you know... Well, I love animals. I stole my mom's car keys every time it rained and ran outside to pick all the worms off the road and driveway. That way they wouldn't get squished. I always had some sort of hurt animal that I was trying to help, usually little baby birds. I never actually saved any animal by taking it in, but hey, it's the thought that counts. My dad always said that I may be in error, but I'm never in doubt. This holds true to me as well, but in a non-close-minded kind of way. If I take something as fact, it always has some sort of logic to it. Everything I do has my own reasoning behind it and that's a good thing I think. If someone's a good person (which everyone is) then there's no problem. I follow alternative healing beliefs (shamanism for the most part). I had to go out into the woods this summer and sit in a 10 by 10 circle without food or water for three days. I was so cold too. A huge storm came the first and second night and just soaked everything, including me and my blanket. All you have is a blanket and tarp, and when you get that wet, you freeze even in the summer there. It sucked, but it was spiritually awakening. That's the whole purpose too. I don't feel to fond of doing it again, though. Yeh, anyway. I have 3 siblings. Shayne, 29, teacher and mother; Tom, 28; and Betsy, 21, student at UWMadison. My dad's a lawyer and lives in Amery, my mom works in Amery, but lives with me here in St. Croix Falls. I love animals, music, happy people, and being independent. I think I want to be an archeologist, biologist, or zoologist. Mostly, in the future I want to be able to travel and make a living doing that. Well, that's a very brief description of my life. It's hard to fit a whole person's life and values into words, but hopefully this has shed some light on the world of Meg.

Check out these great links!

I love to write poetry also and my favorite sight to check out poetry or just have discussions about whatever is Click HERE to go to the websight!

I'm also a huge fan of artwork (as this page might suggest). I love mystical art most of all. click HEREto see one of my favorite sights of it.

In multimedia/web class we went through many stations doing projects. Click HERE to check them out!

I love to write and surround myself with art-related things. I also really like quotes and stories. This link will take you to my "whatever" page where you can see my stuff. click HERE to go now!

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