Alex Savage


Full name  Alexandra Frances Savage (I know how dull, I’m going to change it!)
Birthday  19.2.85
Sex  I wouldn’t say no! jjjjjjjjjoooooooookeeee, I’m female
Your sign  Aquarius/Piceas im on the cusp so im both
Where do you live  Peterborough
Have you ever been in love  I don’t know! What is love?
Who are/were your crushes  Oh god! That’s my secret!!
Do you have a tattoo or want one  I don’t have one but I want one. 
If so what kind and where  A big one across the bottom of my back they look so sexy!!! U know one of those gothic/Celtic ones!
Where do you shop at the most  God London a lot of the time but if im in Peterborough I shop at Missi, Arcadia, Jazz, John Lewis etc
What colour is your hair  Very dark brown 
What colour are your eyes  Light Blue (but they change colour a lot)
How tall are you  5”6
Do you smoke  NO!!!!! Disgusting habit!
Do you like to shop  Stupid question! Anyone who knows me will tell u im a shopoholic! 
What sports do you play  Tennis, Badminton, anything!
What turns you on  Being tickled I love that! Oh and I love it when blokes are forceful.
What turns you off  Urgh greasy, smelly, badly dressed blokes oh and crap personalities!
What place do you go for fun  Friend’s houses, clubs, pubs!
What do you do for fun  Talk to my self, Nah only when im bored! LoL.  I get completely and utterly pissed and have a laugh with my mates. And im really ditzy so I use that to make myself laugh.
What's your favourite foods  Hmmmm I don’t really have a favorite, but I love Chinese! I’m an easy person to please! 
Do you look like anyone famous  Elizabeth Taylor apparently but I don’t see the resemblance!
Who are the most attractive people you know  Well lets see! My friends! All my friends are beautiful; it must be the year 1985 was the year for beautiful people! (In most cases) we age like a fine wine!  
Do you wish to be like your parents  Id like to be like my mum she’s the best and she’s a really strong person!
Have you ever kissed someone of the opposite sex  Hell yeah!
Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex  Yeah my friends all us snobs kiss each other u know… mwah darling, were not like lesbians (no offence to lesbians I think its good that people can be open bout there sexuality!), and were all as straight as they come but it’s like a friendly gesture (u know like pecks on the cheek)
What are your favourite shoes  I’m more of a clothes person but I love my boots and my red DKNY diamante flip-flops  
What things do you say a lot  “ummmm umm umm”  “whatever” ive got loads of little sayings I just cant think of them!
Who is the coolest person in the world  Do u need to ask…its me of course!
Do you think you're weird or funny  Well I get told im weird a lot, I know im weird but im funny too………. so both!  
Where do you wanna get married  Somewhere beautiful with all my really close friends, u only get married once (most of the time) so it has to be really special.
What are your favourite girl names  Amber, Cleo, Chloe and im sure there’s more just can’t be bothered to list them!
What are your favourite guy names  Charlie, Sebastian argggg there so sexy!
What's your favourite childhood memory  I don’t really have one favourite just my childhood home where I grew up, Christmas at my grandparents in Stamford and walking round padstow harbour in the summer evenings near our home in Cornwall! 
What do you really hate  Being stood up and laughed at in a bad way I always get laughed at but I don’t like it when it’s hurtful!
Do you have any brothers or sisters  Yes a brother
If so, names  Christopher
Are you stupid  No!! But if I was do u think I would say so!!!
What are you addicted to  Hmmmm I don’t know lots of things I love sherbet sweets!
 Who has it easier, boys or girls  Definitely boys! They don’t know how good they have it!
Would you rather be short or tall  Tall
Do you like to dance  Yes, some times I get in really hyper moods and I have to just jump around my room!
Do you like playing pranks on people  Yes!!!
Are you a night person  Yeah I just told u that, I love the dark! So I love the night!
Are you a morning person  No way I hate mornings I just want to bury myself in my quilt!
Do you get along with your parents  I do with my mum but not really with my dad were to alike!   
Do you curse a lot  Not unless im really angry!
Are you ticklish  Yes very!
Do you like to be tickled  Yes but it depends who by!
Do you go to church  No, I did when I was little
Do you believe in God  Yes, I believe there is a god!
Do you believe in love at first sight  I don’t know I think love has to grow on u; feelings get stronger as time goes by! If the person is completely perfect for u I suppose it could be love at first sight!
What colour toothbrush do you use  Purple and white
Who is the sweetest girl  Me (seriously), all my friends are really sweet!
Who is the sweetest guy  God is any guy sweet!
Have you ever cheated on anyone  No I wouldn’t do that, blokes have cheated on people with me but I wouldn’t cheat on anyone! Unless they where bastards! 
[Do you believe in Santa Claus  I did when I was little but I help my mum do the Christmas shopping for god’s sake!
Do you believe in ghosts  Yeah there lost spirits! I believe in all that weird stuff!
What do you think about Country music  I hate country it’s so dull it all sounds the same!
Yes or No. Like Britany Spears  I think she is brilliant, she’s really talented and she’s gorgeous, how much would I love to be her!
Sappy/action/comedy/horror  Horror god i love them so much, oh and comedy depends on my mood!
Cats or dogs  Dogs mans best friend
Shine or rain  Shine
Top or Bottom  Of what?
Favourite season  Hmm I like summer and winter I hate the in betweens spring and autumn it always rains everyday!
Cereal or toast  Toast
Night or day  Night
Call or text  Call
Lights on or off  Off
What's your favourite colour  Black
What's your favourite Drink  Coffee
What's your favourite Book  Anne Rice books (vampires u see)
What's your favourite Movie  Blade, any scary movies/vampire movies!
What's your favourite TV show  AsIf
What’s your best memory from PHS  Chilling out in the summer on the day the exams ended!
How would you most like to be remembered  As a really nice person with a good heart!…………………my tombstone would say “The one and only” (jjjjjjjoooookkkkkeeee!!!!!)

Sam, Alex and Cara at the Summer Ball,
the Lady Anne Hotel, 2002


Vicky, Fiona, Alex and Amy, after finishing their GCSE's, summer 2001


Alex at Ferry Meadows, Summer 2001


Alex and Danielle, on the last day
before study leave