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December 22, 2003
yep. its still winter break. meaghan's gettin kinda bored. xmas is in 3 days, but it dosnt really matter. i have UPDATED! i redid almost all my graphic pages and added graphics and blinkies and all that other wonderful stuff. yep. and i added an aim icon page. woot, woot.

December 2oth, 2003
WiNTER BREAK!! i added a whole bunch of sisters on the sister site page. check em out. im sry ive been falling behind with updating, but now that im out of school for awhile, ill start updating more.

November 10, 2003
i added a new sister site - Secret Kisses - check her site out on the sister site page. tomarrow theres no school. =D < some time later> i added 2 more sisters - pink passion and expressions - check our their site.

October 27,2003
i added a new sister site - blue flame - go check her site out on the sister site page. yeah. im listening to nirvana. so im a bit distracted. as i should be. whatever, nevermind.

October 18, 2003
heyy,i added 3 graphics and i changed my email adress. it is:

Octover, 11, 2003
heyy, i added a new sister site - Tainted Kisses - so go check out her site. now. =D

October 11, 2003
heyyy. i updated the kurt page. not by much, but i did.

October 10, 2003
heyy, i added a doll quotes page. so look. at it now. i command you. *twitches eye* oh and look at the cute little animation thing ashley made of her, me, jewel, and meghan.

October 7, 2003
heyyy, i added some graphics and blinkies, 'so lyke totally check em out and lyke...stuff :)'

i added 2 pictures from last year.

i added my school picture

September 19th, 2003
i added a few graphics to the graphics page, they're really cute, so check em out. =D today we had our first pep rally. and it sucked. tonight is the football game everyone's been talking about. yeah. and meghans finally in town! =D

September 15, 200
i added a 'games' section, and there are currently 3 games. a love <3 test, an age counter, and a crystal ball one. they're pretty cool. so go check them out. now =D

September 12, 2003
i added a shout out page (check if your on there) and a horoscope page. the end i guess. oh, me and ashley are gonna try to go to this football game on senior night.

September 8, 2003
i added a 'dolls' page. it has like 8 dolls on it right now. but ill add more and stuff. i got a letter from meghan today. *jumps about* oh yes, im happy to know that ashley (tropical illusions) now admits that she likes me more than her website.
ashley: ok...i like you better than my website. happy now? yes, yes i am. :D

September 5,2003
i added 3 graphics(check em out) and a button from my sister site on the right frame. oooh i might be going to the juliana theory show. *cross fingers*

September 3, 2003
im finally updating this page. i added some blinkies on the blinkie page that i found around different places. im gonna start updating and adding more stuff, ive just been preoccupied with school starting and stuff. im listening to Jimmy Fallon's cd 'the bathroom wall' its reall funny. :D <*edit*>its the next day, and i added a sister site forum thing (i haveone sister site: tropical illusions, check it out.)and a hiatus sign page.

August 29,2003
this is meaghan's friend ashley i added a grab a button section for her so if ya like the site and you have a site too take a button below and link her to your site to let everyone else see what a great site she has!!

august 18th, 2003

im homesick from school today, which gives me time to update. sorry i havnt updated in awhile, but ive been busy with school and stuff. but im back. and im gonna start working on this website again. eventually. :D

august 6, 2003

i just added this nifty update box, that ashley made. and a blinkie page, but theres only one blinkie on it right now. lol. school starts tomarrow. *eek* and thats all i have to say i guess.

grab a button

note:this code only works if you have an angelfire website. if you dont, save it to your own servor and link back to my website. thanx =D

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