I'm Not a Riot Grrl, I Just Play One On TV

Bon Bon! Welcome to yet another one of my boring sites. have fun. PS. this is a retarded girls site so of course it will take atleast a month to look like a slightly less retarded girl did it.

UPDATE! I've put a new link, a branch to my new site all about school and alternative stuff if you are like me and hate what the din is doing to you.

UPDATE yeah I know, the pics are down. I dunno why. I'll check them later

UPDATE- so the main images only work when this computer is running because they are saved to this hard drive. I'll change em' someday. I also added a counter and a silly disclaimer for pictures. And also, I'm wondering why a certain person who said they wouldn't come to this website did, and how they did it.......

UPDATE Have New Pics up

My Lovely Music
Oooo Pictures!
Poem, Charms, and Lyrics
My xanga (the other site)