About The Siren

im a siren woo hoo!!!? all the boys luv me ( wisper-im hotter then all tye other ppfpt members and they worship my hottness!) Michelle says die white grl die! -cuz shes watching me type this...so i cannot say annythin naughty..:l lol j/k! but yes my name is the siren cuz i dont have a normal name..my real name is )(*&^)*&^ opps im not supose to say online cuz u will all stalk me like the 4 boys i no that no where i live! but yes i like sugar ..brown sugar..and i steal those kewl sugar packs from MkyDs! hmmm.. hmm what else..o i like hott topic and dress kinda punk i guesss i just striked my hair red for the lyndnn fair is that was kewl but now it need to come out. um iplay sports like volleyball, soccer, tennis :s, basketball all the way...hmm yeah. i take ne dare cuz life is better when ur not a boring prep.