About Amy Brooks

Hey...I'm Michelle,I'm 14 years old born 9/14/89 and I'm 5'5" and weigh about 115 lbs...and I'm like size 7 1/2 shoes. lol i don't know why you would ever want or need to know that but whatever, you are at my page. So I'm going to feel free to ramble on about myself. Some of my nicknames are Pidgeon on Acid, Hugslut, and walking talking dictionary. I'm really wierd and paranoid and I often lose myself and others when trying to explain my insane schemes or theories. Only my best friends understand me then...all three of 'em. I tend to freak and care what people think about me but I'm getting better...I've had a total of 5 b/f's my whole life,dumped 2 and got dumped by the other 3 but still friends with all but one. Or at least on friendly terms. ish. lol. I like to invent words and I love cats and cheese and chocolate and most boys in general. People like to call me anorexic and grossly skinny and it causes me to want to kill them...I'm not anorexic just freakishly picky.(potatoes suck)I've been described as being a nerd,a slut,a prep,a punk,and a goth...none of those are entirely true I don't think. My hair is medium brown with some thin orangish reddish highlights, and sometimes its straightened and sometimes its insanely curly. I want many more piercings (so far only have one in each ear) and I'd like a small tasteful tattoo...Uhmmm...Oh and I hope to be a playboy bunny when I grow up.Oh, and I'm a virgin.Yes...I know, you're shocked aren't you.Serves you right.Oh, and yes I've smoked pot before. But I'm not a stoner. oooo surprise surprise. Good grief. But I don't smoke cigs. I'm one of those crazy people who thinks pot isn't as bad as cigs. Agree or disagree, I don't really care. :) And have a lurverly day. If you want to know what I'm currently going on about then go to my live journal thingy...there's a link somewhere on this page. Toodles.

Michelle's LiveJournal

Email: LoneSexKitten@hotmail.com