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Welcome to My Page

This is it, this is my page. With it I want to accomplish some things
So first off I would like to make some Acknowledgments:
      To Chris my Bro, and My Closest Friend Sophie
      To My Bestest Friends: Sophia, Chrissy, Casey, and Nikki
      To the Harris Family: You love and care and support me so much ya'll are the best!
      To the People That couldn't make the best friends list: Lauren, Kyle, Leslie, Jessi, Jess, Jessika, Beeman, Serene, Faizan, Alex, Kyle H., Barron, Nick C. Alexis, Bindi, Laura, Lindsey, Andrew, Mary, Sam, Shannon, Samantha aka "Squeaky", Elizabeth, Sarah, and um if i forgot you sorry, this is a longer list than it used to be, just let me know and you go up.
      To my Inspirations (some who will probably never see this page): Amy Lee, All the guys in Story of the Year, My Dad (that's a influence of what not to be), My Friends in Faster We Fall, Virus, and Romantic Tragedy, and last but not least
      This Page goes to the Man Upstairs... (no not a landlord, God!, no seriously I'm talking about God, the Lord you know that guy that created us but everyone seems to have forgotten)

Most information within this site © T.J. Webster 2004-2012
* They are THEORIES with little or no factual data, just things I think are a legitimate possibility, some maybe be completely bogus