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PETA's main sites:
Vegetarianism for Dummies:
Go Veg!
Why factory farms suck.
Dump Dairy!
Fish have feelings, too.
Slaughter and slavery:
Fur? Fashion faux pas.
Modern slavery revealed.
Help end vivissection.
Current campaign efforts:
KFC: We do chickens WRONG.
IAMS cruelty.
March of Crimes.
PetCo: Where the pets die.
Welcome to PETA2 Kansas City! This page provides a way for PETA2 members in the Kansas City area to stay in contact and organize demos, table setups, etc. If you want to be included in an e-mail group, please fill out the form below and we'll get you hooked up! You can also leave questions and/or comments about the site here. Thanks, and keep being a hero for animals!
PETA2 is an organization of students and youth devoted to the liberation of animals everywhere. We do not believe that animals are ours to eat, wear, experiment on, or use for entertainment. In today's society, animals are often looked at as objects and production units, rather than the sentient beings we know them to be. Please join us in the fight to end the needless slaughter and suffering of these fellow creatures. Be a voice for those who cannot speak for their own rights. Contact PETA at their webpage,, or PETA2 at, for more information on how you can help. Action Dates
None yet... let's change that!