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Wednesday, 12 January 2005
Ladiodicien Church
Mood:  accident prone
Topic: TRUTH
It is clear by the content of most of these website messages, the ones bashing Herbert Armstrong, and the Philidolphian Church, are the end time Ladiodicien Church that will be handed over to the Nations to be trampled, just as prophecy states, and Herbert W Armstrong, through GOD reveals. It is obvious they have no real Christian message to deliver, since they spend all their time and energy, not delivering the important messages of the Bible to mankind, in this end time, but by gouging at another Church. All this Herbert W Armstrong bashing proves that he was delivering the truth, as stated in the BIBLE You don’t see the Philadelphian Church doing this do YOU? And you would never see Jesus doing it either. You can always tell by their fruits. That is the key to their falsehood Wakeup Herbert W Armstrong was a Prophet, the end time Elija sent by GOD, to renew all things, and define the first fruits, and they know it. Santan has blinded them. They will be trampled by the NATIONS.

Posted by rebellion2/peggmoor at 10:42 AM MST
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