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Stalin Plan

Stalin Plan


Josef Stalin, The Man

The central problem with the critics of Stalin is that they do not understand the historical time period he lived in and the real-world choices that actually existed. Yes, he killed many people, too many even according to himself. However, all his repression combined was small compared with the lives he saved through the rapid and revolutionary transformation of society that he carried out. The choice the USSR had was not between liberal humyn-rights utopia on the one hand and tzarist era backwardness on the other. As if to drill this point into thick skulls, History has shown what happens after decades of criticism of Stalin: regression so that millions today are dying for lack of conditions that used to exist under Stalin almost 50 years ago! People supporting "humyn-rights" and attacking Stalin are responsible for far more deaths than Stalin. That is evidence of the real world choices being faced--not between utopia and Stalin but between the pro-Western phony communists like Khruschev and Brezhnev and bourgeois politicians like Yeltsin on the one hand and Stalin on the road of Marxism-Leninism on the other hand. Stalin should be compared with other political leaders and then his merits will stand clear.

Middle-class people from the West focus much too much on dissidents and not enough on causes of death such as food, clothing and basic medical care being lacking. Even including the repression he carried out, Stalin still doubled the life expectancy of his people. For this reason, polls of Russians on their favorite past leaders continue to show Stalin as the second most preferred leader of the past century, after Lenin. Although Americans love Lincoln more than Russians love Stalin, Stalin has a higher public acclaim than most U.S. presidents have amongst Americans. In America, Stalin's era represents poverty, war, death, and terror, but, to Russia, Stalin will be known for the bad and the good, in cluding the improvement of life for the Russian people and the nation's status as a powerful nation.

The Rise of The Peter
-2014 graduate a prominent school -2 years as an army general -pursue career as an intern in D.C. -Obtain strong ties to top politicians -2018 become an influential Congressman (possibly through blackmail and other scandals if necessary) -2024 win presidential election with running mate, Michael Chapman, a wealthy businessman -2028 win reelection (2030 N. Korea attacks S. Korea, China attacks Taiwan, WWIII BEGINS) -2030 Reinstate Patriot Act -2031 pass provision to extend presidential terms in war-time
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