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05/01/03 Haven't updated the site in about 2 weeks until today, I fixed a few broken links, added a new poem under Jessica LeMin, 2 new poems for Tony and I will be adding a new artist/poet over the next couple of days! WELCOME SABRINA LARENE YOUNG!

04/16/03 You can now sign the guestbook by clicking the guestbook link found at the top of the page!

04/16/03 The site is almost ready to launch. I am hoping to have it ready by the 18th. I am looking for affiliate sites or people who are interested in supporting each others sites. Also any publishers interested in our work can contact the webmaster by emailing

04/15/03 I can't believe I am still trying to get this site up! It's been like 2 weeks since I started and I'm still not ready to actually launch! However, I have just checked all of the navigational pull down menus and they all work. It only took me about 2hrs to figure out that I had left out one little thing of code. Anyway I don't want to bore you so I will leave this update at that. 04/08/03 It's 10:04PM and I'm still working on this damn site! I just wanted to say if you are viewing this site and some of the links and or features don't work, please be patient as I am working hard to get this up and running soon! If you are ready to see what we offer Try the drop down menu list which should be up and running by the time you read this!

04/08/03 Just started the new design for the website, I hope everyone likes it!

04/07/03 The site is changing rapidly , I don't know how many people have visited but I think the idea of having a place to spotlight individuality, leadership, etc. will be great! We need a movement! A revolution of seriousness.

04/06/03 I have decided to give this site a face lift. Instead of focusing only on protests and protesting I will be focusing more on "New age thinking". Mostly it will be a site dedicated to standing up for rights and moving towards positive change.