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The Simple Truth About Christianity

We have all sinned. I am not being arrogant at all, but to say we have not sinned is to live in a state of denial. We have all either lied, stolen, hated, gotten drunk, committed adultery, murdered, coveted, swore, misused God's name,etc, and we have done these things to varying degrees in endless combinations.

We have to admit we are sinners, and the Bible says we are in Romans 3:23, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."

So who cares? Well we should because sinning is breaking God's law. When we break the law we get punished or should, but on this planet, the officials do not see every misdeed we do, but God does.

Romans 6:23 says "For the wages of is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

So we see the wages of sin, what we deserve and will get, is death and hell eternally. You might think that hell is severe punishment, but we deserve it because God created all and therefore has the ultimate say over our lives. When we disobey even once, then we deserve death because God is life and part of His essence is existence. See when God created man, man was in perfect communion with God, the life. Then man sinned and God's nature and man's nature no longer had communion because sin separated that.

Praise God because He died for your sin so we could be brought back to God and live with Him eternally! Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who is God, came to save us by taking our sin and paying the price of our sin by dying on the cross of Calvary. He was put in a tomb then arose three days later. Jesus Christ is alive today in heaven, and He wants to save you.

Here is how Jesus saves you. He has already done His part by dying for you so now it is up to you to accept it.

Romans 10:9 says "That is you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raise him from the dead, you will be saved."

I Timothy says "Everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away form wickness."

Jesus will save you if you suurender to him as your Lord and bow down to Him as God and Savior!!! You must repent, which means to turn away from your sin and follow God. If you feel God convicting you of your sin, then pray to Jesus to save you and give your life to Him. God not only created all of us and this universe, but He also died for it all to save us from our sin, and we don't deserve it. He deserves us though for being perfect, infinite, loving, and merciful. Praise God!!!!!!!

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