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by David A. Harness July 2004
(submitted to The New Yorker (fiction...humor...serious reply yet)

This Civilian Oversight option is in response to the call for competitive bids to upgrade the defective command and control priorities of the upper echelons executing the nation's business--in process of spinning the entire operation into the ground.

In review, the new Bush-class strategic borrow and spend campaign contains less than zero improvement over the Reagan-class campaign first commissioned in 1980 still inflicting collateral damage. Present level: elevated to Homeland Security Embedded Time Bomb Threat Matrix, HSETBTM, recently ticking over $7 trillion in government debt. National Spin Recovery NSR is complicated by extreme Democratic, Republican, and Corporate CEO outsourcing of manufacturing materiel production, and catastrophic over-leveraging of financial control into the hands of Communist China and Japan. The former now having gained missile parity after a $10 million bribe to the Clinton administration, as determined by the FBI in 1997, selling out the nation's most guarded ballistic missile technology through the Loral Corporation. Critical intelligence gathered and translated by the CIA in 1999, in the form of an openly published book by the Chinese military: Unrestriced Warfare: China's master plan to destroy America by Colonels Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui of the People's Liberation Army, published by Pan American Publishing Co., Panama City, Panama, describes the battle plan of the world's oldest warrior society vs. its newest, wherein every aspect and forum of modern life has battlefield significance, with the immediately real potential of tipping the entire fighting wing down in history like a generation of blundering idiots...or worse, the generation that cashed in the Federal Trust and lost it all. Unless...

Unless each squadron initiates the correct Emergency Spin Recovery Procedure, ESRP, while sufficient altitude remains to avoid ground impact and the inevitable unexpected obstacles. The critical reading in the control panel instrument scan is now the Interest Expense to Tax Collections ratio indicator, otherwise known in the field as the Debt Service Ratio Indicator, DSR. Referring to the manual, this instrument takes the Interest Expense on the Public Debt, using 2002 numbers about $330 billion, and divides it by the total Tax Collections for the year, about $2 trillion, and indicates the ratio in percent.

Present spin level finds the DSR climbing over 15%, past the green, but still in the recoverable yellow arc. Be aware that as self-reinforcing turbulence increases all systems as presently configured will apply increasing pressure to force the indicator sharply higher. Air traffic radar returns on the unprecidented number of recent visits by Federal Reserve Chairman "Doublebubbles" Greenspan to the White House, indicates there is in fact an emergency in that rates cannot be raised above the inflation rate due to the dual threat matrix of homeowner-held adjustable rate mortgages and Corporate-held derivative "financial weapons of mass destruction." Executive action limited solely to damage control expertise of blaming all this sorry mess on somebody else as soon as the shit hits the fan. At the critical point then, not yet determined, control and performance will deteriorate exponentially, since the DSR's output is essentially feedback from the fuzzy logic of the economic and political closed loop control circuitry, untested in the present operating region by any test flight evaluation program. Untested in that the system is flying unguided into uncharted hostile communist Orwellian territory.

There are however past classic textbook economic cases indicating the probable uncorrected flight profile. Note in particular the DSR ratio has been key to determining the continued flight capabilities of past decommissioned smaller scale government entities. Once again though, due to the nature of the fuzzy logic and the lack of a backup system, the exact percentage reading of the indicator by which flight control will be lost is unknown. Its effects are known however and are catastrophic. At some point in the red arc between 25% to 50% expect engine flameout, with no possibility of air restart. Expect complete hydraulic control failure within minutes, as all Auxiliary Power Units fail to meet the inflated conflicting demands of the system. At this point the only option is: EJECT. Everybody eject, or stand by and pile it in with the ship.

Engineering Inspection reports basic Constitutional airframe and powerplant retains original airworthiness. Recent flight performance degradation resultant of continued operation of unauthorized poorly designed obsolete systems added on by the infiltration of sub-standard personnel behavior, seriously compromising the integrity of the highest echelons to the lowest ranks of both parties, and all military and civilian sectors of the system, present self included. Accordingly, flight control logic is now in a completely ad hoc state, and of extremely low reliability through the cyclic crazed media extraction and public election of campaign promises lacking logistic follow through--in exchange for excessive transference of field decision-making voter responsibility. Prior procedure has of course been necessary for basic flight development, but it is now recommended that all unauthorized systems be scrapped, and the essential elements from the test flight laboratories of the states be retained in the form of the following ESRP, which begins with the following premise:

The rank and file are now just as capable of voting on the competing Democratic and Republican versions of Congressional bills as voting on the competing candidates.

It is recommended a National Referendum Amendment, NRA, be commissioned to defuse the embedded time bomb threat matrix - which is specifically in no way shape or form meant to include initiatives or petitions, that is of course no privately written laws on the federal level are advocated or needed. The only low cost procurement required is a slight addition to the first sentence of the second paragraph of Article I section 7 of the Basic Manual. A nominal code insertion of about eighteen hard words similar in effect to the following in italics:

Article I section 7...Every bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, or at the discretion of Congress, every competing version of a bill having gained the public vote majority, shall, before it become a law, be presented to the President....

Research and Development is limited to the determination whether code insertion is to specify the majority, or the greatest of the public vote, the latter allowing a none-of-the-above ballot option, and thereby greater battle plan flexibility. Here, dependent on optimum issue attack strategy, Congress has the option to refer to Civilian Oversight a single version of a bill; or both the Democratic and Republican versions with or without a none-of-the-above choice. Here staff of both parties have the welcome opportunity to put their claims in writing unadulterated by the covert operations of the enemy, and subject them directly to the hostile fire of the voter-consumer-financer mutual combatants.

Moderation is at a premium, drawing in the extremes on every issue, in order to gain approval of voter personnel.

The first subsystem immediately impacted, in turn cascading into every other, is campaign finance reform. Here, although expect input of even greater funds in the event an actual decision becomes imminent, all the special interest systems would be freed to present their truths, half-truths, tactical disinformation, and outright lies to the people directly instead of having to rely on the unscrupulous politicians to do it for them. Then there's healthcare, the tax code, energy policy, and all the rest of the critical subsystems all collectively bungled and handed down every year by the brass in the form of the U.S. Federal Budget Travesty of Command and Control, USFBTCC#$@! But sometimes the Travesty helps people too. Some are children. Although the most sophisticated military intelligence available indicates at some point the children now being told to do their homework after school will give notice of impending countermeasures.

The second subsystem immediately affected would be Congressional Procurement of Non-Disposable Federal Income, CPNDFI. All Skank-Guided Pork Barrels, SGPB’s, hanging from the undercarriage in a dirty configuration would be jettisoned, immediately cleaning up the aerodynamic profile. Immediate improvement in flight control and performance can be expected, since only moderate - clean - bills written in a language understandable to both the self-dealing, over-privileged, institution manipulating CEOs and the distracted, disgusted, fatalistic working poor could be expected to prevail.

The initiative and petition subsystems are not needed on the federal level, since the polls already have a lock on political flight control through media target acquisition, generally confined to autopilot, and would continue to perform their proper functions unimpeded on the state level. The concept is to legitimize the evolved reliance procedures. The polls having now evolved perfectly for nominal code insertion, in that the politicians and the special interests are already intensely focused on market forces; very similar in manner to the Federal Reserve subsystem being semi-private and intensely focused on market forces.

The balance of power between the fundamental constitutional principles of representation and democracy is restored in upgraded form necessary to maintain air superiority in the modern theater of operations. Wherein once the major operations mission has been accomplished and the military prognosis focuses on winning the hearts and minds of the conquered people towards the much sacred principles of democracy, basic field logic suggests it would be best for the brass to actually be practicing those principles of democracy at home, to the extent it is suggested the current Administration of foreign policy experts actually allow the UN election inspectors back in the United States for the 2004 presidential election. Here basic field reasoning suggests those we would persuade through superior psychological warfare methods no doubt took note in the 2000 presidential election that just as democracy's most central precious tenet of legitimacy was about to be proved true that every vote counts, its highest Justices of Honor either in a panic, or otherwise, stopped the recount as the president's lawyers on loan from Enron flew back and forth between Florida and Washington in the Enron Corporate jet. Thereby establishing even further the current Commander in Chief's impeccable SEC sealed bankruptcy credentials of his June 1990 $848k insider trading bailout evasive maneuver as an officer of the Enron-prototype Harken Energy Corporation, to then watch from his golden parachute as all its grunt-level shareholders went down in flames all over Texas and the Gulf sea.

To wit the expected further pre-emptive psychological warfare dysfunction interaction between occupying force and occupied citizenry is one of a cognitive dissonance vs. a refusal to enact the preferred suspension of disbelief. Wherein the occupying force exhibits a bipolar diplomatic idealized and highly polically stylized bannerization of proscribed American ideals, presented over the background of the total Hollywood media cultural invasion and information web-TV-movie exploitation for its own purposes of the height of corruption of the free world, where its leading nation is ironically on the verge of national bankruptcy proceedings pervading every rank of the actual long-term total systemic practice of those stylized ideals. Which the unprepared soldier, facing a cut in combat pay proposed by the appreciative administration, is expected to convey on a street corner in full battle gear, to a schizoid multiple personality terrorized population with its own impressive history of a long train of abuses and usurpations persuing invariably the same Object, and consequently its own closely held ingrained paranoid culturally and spiritually self-reinforcing turbulence of delusions.

The apex of dysfunction has then been successfully accomplished in the now effectively trashed Geneva Conventions. Adherence to which, as all military journals now find the need to report, has been primarily to protect one's own soldiers and citizens. The damage is irrepairable when viewed from the perspective of the average crazed spiritual fanatic, and moreso now the average moderate who sees that now its gotten personal. Such malcontent was most likely fueled in it's beginning when noticing that all governments follow thier own rules of law only when it suits their needs, which said trashing only verifies in the eyes of the world.

BATTLEFIELD REPORT: Trust taking direct hits on all fronts ... Situation utmost critical ... Deteriorating rapidly minute by minute ... All appears lost ... Have not yet begun to fight.

National Spin Recovery by the present method would then require the development of no new national principles and marked improvement in knowledge, skill, and judgment could be expected to trickle upward given a good faith adherence to procedure. The present system change objective thereby embodies nothing more than the maturing of the democratic process, a worthy objective apart from any catastrophic contingency occurring in the next state, or certainly in the non-existant world outside the boundaries of the Great Seal of the United States of America one can still see on the back of a newly minted 2004 Silver Eagle. The specification thereby relying on skills already in practice in basic spin recovery: Level wings, reduce throttle to idle, pull back slowly on joystick until level flight is regained, add power.

In conclusion, history shows there is no change, there is no empowerment, there is no human growth, and there will be no maintaining flight control, unless there is a change in the power hierarchy. Strategic Command Integrity requires the coming inevitable system power structure shift extract the best of overall experience, from both the Laboratory of the States and from the flight deck of the Federal Ship of State, and extend the Essence of the U.S. Constitution; just as increased proficiency in its use has shown more amendments to involve the extension of voting rights than the enhancement of any other operating parameter. Accordingly, there has been one National Referendum in the nation's history, the concept is to elevate to statutory level the process by which the Constitution itself was formulated by the Constitutional Convention and referred to the 13 Colonial Divisions for a vote by the Ranks.

Your vote to upgrade in the free webpoll above could help shift the hierarchy, shift the cash flow, and shift the drama away from the false politics of personality -> back towards the ancients' original intent of Citizenship: One who shares in the administering of Justice. Choose wisely.

Copyright David A .Harness July 2004 email:
August 2001 page Unrestriced Warfare: China's master plan to destroy America excerpts