The Muff Brothers

E-mail Squeak

E-mail Chops

E-mail Taj

E-mail Lunchbox

Doobie snacks!

"No muff is too tough."


Welcome to the Muff Brother's website. We are an educational organization designed so four guys in high school could get them a little action. If you are not a member, contact me via e-mail to apply. If you are a hot, available girl who puts out, please contact me at 719-356-9251. Thank you, and be sure to sign the guestbook(That is not up right now

Well This site hasn't been updated in a long time. It seems that I do all the programing because Squeak has gone AWOL.

Well As most of you fans know, The muff bro. Have been seperated due to college. We need 2 more members so I plan on doing some recruiting sometime soon. If you what to join talk to me. You will need to pass a hazing(Like a Frat.) to get in.

I would like to tell you all that a mirror club of the Muff Brothers have sorta formed. The BS or Blow Sisters are gladly welcomed by us. More info involving the BS will be announced later.
