Don't know what a Mook is, niether do we.

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Welcome to MookS inc. What is a mook, I have no idea. What is MookS inc.? MookS inc. is my little page to resist the controling power of parents, teachers, and other forms of unnessasary athourity. It is also a way for me to practice my new found way of kicking summer bordem. Other than strentgh and speed training, and the ocassional pick of my brothers guitar, I have nothing to do. This page won't be much for awhile, because I'm new at html writing.

If you have a page you need to be written in html, then soon I will be opening as free (at least for now) service. I don't plan on doing an ongoing network of pages, but small, personal sites of 3 or 4 pages I can handel. Watch for notifacation of this service starting. Emailing me will put you in line for this service once it is activated.

Have annoying parents. I feel your pain. Mine aren't strict about most things, but they ar about the most annoying things like cursing in music. A word is a word right? It is meaningless. Who cares? This stupid rule prevents me from buying cd's like the new Metallica cd St.Anger. I'll probablly download it, but what a waste of time when you have $500 saved up. Oh-well. There are ways around every rule, unless your one of the unlucky ones with the new parental survailence cameras. I don't have one, luckly my parents respect me enough not to spy on me, with cameras any ways. I strongly suggest anyone who gets one of these things to never speak to your parents again, and to write your congressmen telling him to outlaw them. or

Not ready for html creation serice.