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Saturday, 1 May 2004

Bored again.
Its a cold Melbourne day, currently sitting on 11C. Yes today it was cloudy, then it was a bit sunny, then it rained, then it hailed, then it went back to sunny for a while, and now its partially cloudy and grey. And this is all before 5pm. At least something around here is entertaining.

I was just reading the other blogs and i noticed that there are a few christian ones, a few with the skull background, some new ones and an italian one about toilets? Yeah i dont know about that last one.

It is now 9C or 48F which is cold enough for me. No actually its not that bad coz its not windy or anything (at the moment).

Posted by rebellion2/miara at 7:07 PM NZT
Updated: Saturday, 1 May 2004 8:23 PM NZT
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Friday, 30 April 2004

Who was the first person to look at a cow and say, "I think I'll squeeze these dangly things here and drink what comes out"?
Who was the first person to say, "See that chicken over there ... I'm gonna eat the first thing that comes out if its butt"?

Posted by rebellion2/miara at 8:56 PM NZT
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Its Friday! And im at home doing nothing. Why?
Its not fair. I want to be out there with everyone, but no im stuck here all alone. Actually my cat is keeping me company, but she'd rather sleep all curled up. And tomorrow? What am i going to do tomorrow? I dont think that i will see jenn coz shes busy and im definatly not going to see tegan or gaby. Maybe i can give manelle a call, or lopez, or mel, or even chantelle. Hmm yeah that sounds alright.
Id love to go and get my hair done. Just a trim and a new fringe. And dye it an ash brown colour. Im sick of this honey blonde/brown colour that ive got. Im so over it. I cant believe how long my hair is. I didnt even realise how much it had grown. So ill just get a trim to snip off any dead ends. Ah well, we'll see. If not this weekend then i will have to do it next weekend.

Posted by rebellion2/miara at 8:37 PM NZT
Updated: Friday, 30 April 2004 8:54 PM NZT
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Thursday, 29 April 2004
Elvis lives
My little canary Elvis died on Saturday. Poor thing. He was so smart. He liked singing, the sound of running water, being spoken to, the little black seeds, his own reflection, the music from Oprahs theme song. He was so cute. Rest in peace.

Posted by rebellion2/miara at 4:56 PM NZT
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Wednesday, 28 April 2004

Dogs believe they are human. Cats believe they are God.

Posted by rebellion2/miara at 7:29 PM NZT
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Monday, 26 April 2004
Next time will be better
Yeah theres not much to do at Ocean Grove. They have the one supermarket which we managed to do a few trips to, they have about four fish n chip shops, one clothing store, two or three cafes. Yeah we picked a bummy place to go to.
On Saturday we went to Geelong were we killed a few hours at the shopping centre. We sat at some cafe for an hour or two and we just talked about stuff.

Later that night we got a call from Tegan saying to call Gaby because she was sad. We didnt want to call but we would of felt bad if we didnt. So we called Gaby. BIG MISTAKE. She was drunk and said stuff like why we dont want her and why do we try to avoid her and crap. We told her that thats what we thought she wanted- not to speak to us. Then Tegan decides to ring me and call me a dickhead. She said that Gaby is always left at home while the rest of her friends go out. I said that i thought they always went out together. Apparently they dont. So while me and jenn go out for coffee and Tegan and her boyfriend do whatever they do, Gaby is at home without any friends. They did pretty good at making us feel bad. Jenn felt really crap after Gabys mum called her to tell her that "i have one upset daughter here". Jenn threw up. That girl worries too much sometimes.

So we thought our weekend was ruined. The reason why we went there was to get away and relax and not worry about stupid people, but it seems that wherever you go you stupid people will always exist.

Posted by rebellion2/miara at 10:09 PM NZT
Updated: Wednesday, 28 April 2004 6:38 PM NZT
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Ok so me & jenn went away this weekend to Ocean Grove. Despite having EVERYTHING go wrong we had a good time and wish we were there right now infront of the fireplace.
We were going to cancel the trip because it was seriously pissing rain on the way there and we couldnt see out of the windscreen. The whole time we were there it rained and the wind brought down tree branches and it was so cold. But that was fine. We stayed indoors mostly.

Posted by rebellion2/miara at 10:05 PM NZT
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Friday, 23 April 2004
Twiddledumb & Twiddledumber
Before, me and Jenn went and saw Tegan & Gaby (twiddledumb & twiddledumber). They gave me a headache! I hadnt seen them for ages and i dont want to see them ever again.
Whats with Tegan calling me saying "i have to see you, i havent seen you since Gabys birthday, i miss you"? BULLSHIT. I walked into her house and she didnt even say "hello". Not even a smile. She didnt even bother to ask me how i was. BITCH. Shes only nice when she wants something. And the only reason why we went to see her was because she wanted Jenns old mobile phone because hers got soaked and now it doesnt work. SUFFER BITCH. Ugh im so annoyed with her.
And what was with Gaby? She was so fake and she couldnt care less how we were either. The only thing she wants to listen to is herself talking about her cousins wedding. GOOD FOR YOU. We only stayed there for about 15 minutes because they werent talking and because they were 'hinting' that we should go because they were hungry. Yeah whatever! If they stopped eating for even 5 minutes im sure their asses wouldnt be as big as they are. I cant believe i have become so mean but they really do shit me.

Posted by rebellion2/miara at 12:15 AM NZT
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Thursday, 22 April 2004
One week to go
Next week im starting my personal training course. Im so nervous. I think im more worried about having to wake up in the morning. I have to be there at 8:30am and it will take at least an hour to get there if not more. So id have to get up at no later than 7am. Thats going to be so hard to do because im used to waking up at whatever time i want (usually about noon or 1pm!). Hmpf well i guess its only for 12 days in total so i cant really complain right?
No, it should be really good. I will have a reason to get up and get out the front door. Yay! Good. Im excited. This is my chance to organise my life. I can be out there in the world living and learning and meeting new people. I will probably be the youngest one there but whats new im always the youngest. I just hope i dont go all quiet and shy. Everyone will think im a moron. Oh well its just for 12 days so i guess i should make the best of it and not worry about anything.
I need to buy new books, notepads, pens, display books, bag, clothes,etc, etc, etc.

Posted by rebellion2/miara at 11:46 PM NZT
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This weekend
Im going away this weekend with Jenn. We are leaving Friday afternoon and coming back Sunday morning. It should be good. I dont know what we are going to do there because its just the two of us. But the place seems nice because its near the beach and the trees and we have our own cabin and everything. Plus were going in Jenns new soft top car.
I have to come back on Sunday morning because its 40 days since my grandfather died and i have to go to church and then we are having a reception thingy. My mum doesnt want me to go away at all this weekend because of that reason but everything has been paid for and yeah.

Posted by rebellion2/miara at 11:27 PM NZT
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