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The World of Mav and Phattie: The Writings


You have entered a world from which there is no return. Welcome to the world of Mav and Phattie. What follow are some accounts of questionable authority on the characters portrayed in this world of no return. Anyone who may even slightly resemble the characters protrayed here have already sold their souls to the creators.

No one knows which, if any, of the following accounts are valid. All origin stories are based on what little information has been gathered through live audio recorded interviews, as the interviewers never leave alive. Other stories are written accounts gathered from those who witnessed them. Thank you and have a nice day.

Stories Authored by Maverick's Counterpart
Stories Authored by Phatso's Counterpart
Stories Authored by Dracon's Counterpart

Character Map

Other Accounts of the Boys Written by Various Authors
The Cookie Jar Factor


What you read in these pages is our creation. If you are offended, we don't care. If you would like to email the creator of this website with useful feedback, click here. Otherwise, keep your thoughts to yourself.

All Content © 2003 by the Creators of Mav and Phattie, unless otherwise noted.