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Welcome to Spit It Out. This is a site where you spit out your issues, and we give you advice. Please be patient as this site is under construction

Rules and Regulations:
  • You are not obligated to give us any personal information about yourself.
  • Your inquiries and responses will not be posted on this page unless you give us your consent. We will provide a seperate email address for you to contact us.
  • DO NOT SPAM. It is annoying. We will not respond to spam and you will not be taken seriously.
  • PLEASE BE PATIENT. It will take some time to review each entry and we want to give each the attention it deserves. However, if the entry is serious, it will take priority over others.
  • If anything we recieve contains illegal context, we will notify the authorites, so please take precautions.
  • Confidentiality is important to us, but we will not be held responsible if an entry you send contains content that is harmful to yourself or others.

    Our names are K'aine and Mana. Do you happen to have a question about something going on in your life, or just a question in general? Have you just found yourself fed up with the fact that there is no one to turn to?
    Talk to us. We are not your parents, guidance councillors or friends that might laugh at you. We're avrage people just out to help other average people. This site has no age limit, nor race or gender prefrence. We're just here to help.
    We'll try our best to give you advice on any sort of issue be it sexual, school, family, friends or something that's just on your mind.
    Please make sure you read our rules and regulations above before sending us any entries.
    We are not responsible for any interpretations taken by the reader, nor are we responsible for any actions taken by the reader as a result of our advice. We will give options and opinions on the subject but overall it is the decision of the reader.NOT OURS.

    We apologize if our opinions offend any readers or other people that visit the site, but in the end they are our opinions and if you don't like them, you know where to go and how to get there. We don't care, because after all, you asked for them.

    About Us:

