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The Mana Prime Wars

This is the story of how it all began, and how it is until this very day. Submit your thoughts in my guestbook!(Or you can use my guest book like a message board)

The war began, as the Calibur Army, the Jenqua army, the V'RIX Republic, and the Legotian Army fought from battle to battle to conquer over land. The Calibur Army was completly obliterated by the V'RIX Republic and the Jenqua Army. The V'RIX Republic and the Jenqua Army allie up and split that land between each other. As all the comotion happens the Legotians began to weaken, therefor moving there settlement to the planets' moon, where the Technikians, thinking there under attack, obliterate the Legotians.

Now happy with all there land, yet another army emerges...the Projan Union. The Projan Union fight to take over land, successfully capturing part of the main V'RIX Republics' country and part of its neighboring penisula owned by the Jenqua Army. The Projan Union, after trying to wipe out both armies, requests an allience with them. Only the V'RIX Republic accepts.

Many battles between the Jenqua Army and the Technik Army take place, as the V'RIX Republic and the Projan Union bulk up there armies. Many of the battles between the Jenqua and Techniks were won by the Techniks. The V'RIX Republic, being an allied force, sends many forces to help out the Jenqua. But not a good idea. The Projan Union surprise attack the V'RIX Republic, arming a bomb near every one of the Republics nuclear bombs and missles, and attacking most of their units.

After that attack, the Jenqua stop attacking the Techniks, surprisingly the Technikians stay quiet for the time being. The allience between the V'RIX Republic and the Projan Union is now over. The Republics' and the Jenquas' main target is now the Projan Union. To make sure no other attacks are made by the Technikians unnoticed, the Jenqua set up a blockade of 1,000 Jenqui Blockade Cruisers between the planet and the moon. The 2 armies prepare an attack against the Projans but, an V'RIX satelite picks up the signal of a massive army on a near by planet.

Despite this new unidetifed army, the attack still goes on at the Projan Union. The Projans also forced off the planet, take sanctuary with the unidentified army. The new army attacks reveiling themselves as the Stelath X. The Stelath X, having the power of invisibility, lead great attacks. While the battles were taken place, a V'RIX scout finds a crippled Havoc Empire cruiser and orders units to assist it. With great gratitude the Havocs ally up with the V'RIX and Jenqua against this newly powerful threat.

Another discovery was about to take place, as a Jenqua scout searching for an evil power causing all these wars finds unusual readings on the planet of Mana Prime instead. Sending troops to the planet finds out that the new power sends out signals powerful enough to fry circuits on any vehicle. Thus having to send troops to the planet in pods. V'RIX also send troops to the planet in search for this power.

Unaware of the power this power has, the Stelath X send transports to the planet filled with 4,000 of there troops. All the transports crash landed or burned in the atmosphere, no survivors.
don't mind the image, i'm still workin on it

The Stelath X attempt to send troops a second time, this time the V'RIX stands in there way. V'RIX leads an attack against the transports succesfully destroying most of the transports. Three were able to release pods to the planet. Not to good as only 90 troops reached the planet, while there are thousands of Jenqua and V'RIX troops.

If all isn't bad enough, 2,000 troops are landed on the planet by a General of the Psymic Republic, and 10,000 more troops within the next two days...

V'RIX planet of Atlus.

Jenqua Transports