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Lady In Leather

3 Things That Are A Must:

Hello and welcome to my little corner of this vast space known as cyber-space. Drop the kick-stand on your ride, shake off the road-dust, kick off your boots & prop up those feet of your's, while I grab you a cold one so you can enjoy the little time we have together.

My friends all call me Lakota cause they have learned over the years I rarely answer to the name I was given by my folks when I was adopted, that was Donna. Anyway, I'm a strong willed, often bull-headed gal who feels like the last of a dying breed because I still live by the "Old School" code. For those of you wondering what the hell that is, I'll share it with you. Its a way of living ones life with honor & dignity and in a way that brings pride in ones self that no one can ever take from you. Its being Honest in all your dealings & Loyal to those you care for. Family is everything & your word is your bond. Many claim these ways but few really make it a way of life, but its everything to me. If you don't share these qualities, please don't waste your time or mine by trying to get to know me.

Anyway, on this site you will get to know me better because I'll be expressing many of my thoughts & feelings. Some you might agree with, but some might even piss you off but I hope you will at least keep an open mind & take it as just my opinion. Mostly I just hope you enjoy your stay & thanx for taking time to drop in.

Like I mentioned, I'm Lakota, a California biker who's loves include camping, hunting, and just about everything else that deals in playing in the out-doors. I live in the foot-hills of California, about 45 minutes from the Yosemite National forest.Its a beautiful mountain community surrounded by 4 lakes. mountains and pine trees.

I am married to my best friend and we have together 4 children ages starting at 20 going up to age 27. At the present time my hubby is a resident of the California Department of Corrections for choosing the "wrong" way to protect his family. He's been down since 1997 and returns home in 2008. Its quite maddening that his sentence is more than most murderer's get when NO one was even injure during his crime, But that's California for you. He had NEVER been in trouble before & like I said, no one was even injured. Most first time offenders are given half time for good behavor but Ricky was sentenced to 13 years at 85% right off the bat, I believe for just because we are bikers.Together though, we have found that there is nothing we can't get through. Thats the perks of having "real" love. I consider myself lucky to have a guy willing to anything for me.

Anyway, please book-mark my site & come back often. I hope to be adding much more fun & exciting things here.Thanx for taking time out to drop on in.