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Where are you when the sun goes down? Where will you be on the day?
written @ 8:20 p.m on 06/18/03

This is it... my first official entry in this particular diary. Shh... don't tell anyone else about this. Feeling a little retrospective as my mom babbles away about me on the phone. Its strange how one becomes instantly invisible when one is being spoken about over the phone. You just want to jump up and wave your arms like a wild child and scream "I'm right here.. I'm right here... don't turn your head away or I'm going to be gone soon." Meh... not that anyone ever listens to me anyhow. Wow this one's a lot gloomier than I intended. ;p I'm outs D~*

then || now

<< navigate
my fans

<< thanks

<< currently
Time: 8:21 p.m
Date: Wed. June 18th, 2003
Eating: Pepto.
Drinking: Iced tea, what else?
Wearing: Granny tank and pants..
Hearing: Michelle Branch, my mother talking about me, the inevitable silence that follows when someone leaves your house.
Chatting w/: nobody at the moment
Thinking: too much.
Wanting: so much more than words could adeptly say..
PLUG: Still BORED to tears.

<< playlist
Michelle Branch- paper pieces
Avril Lavigne - Falling down
Michelle Branch- You get me
Michelle Branch- Are you Happy now?
DJ Sammy - Heaven (candlelight remix)
Finch- I miss you
I voted for Kodos- On the phone
I voted for Kodos- Pastaroni
Kim Stockwood- you jerk (thinking about making a personal dedication to myself)
Metallica- Fade to Black

<< its how i feel
brashly abandoned.

<< who am i?
Fighting. Silent. Wink. Crazed. Dazed. Blazed. Beyond myself. Receptive. Cold. Alone. Reconstructed. Deconstructed. Interrupted. Monitored. Alive. Barely there. Nude. Childish. ME.