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***SUNDAY, Mar 15 2009

Thanks for hanging in there for me, queue-gang! Check your email for an update!

Also, go here for a preview of the OMEGA QUIN #1 cover!

Oh yes! And those freebie arts? Coming along BEAUTIFULLY!


***TUESDAY, Feb 25 2009

1) The HPS has new updates up! Sorry for the slight delay... I wanted to have them up as early as last Friday. Doing a bit of juggling on this end! Please forgive.

2) Also, we're starting to get our post-hiatus reservations in! Don't let too much time go by before throwing your name in the ring! These reservations are RISK-AND-COMMITMENT-FREE! When the HPS is ready to come back online, the reservation list will be contacted privaely FIRST, before commissions are open to the public.

3) Since the majority of our commissions are for City of Heroes, we're working on a LOVELY little FREEBIE for all our customers, and a matching free downloadable for everyone. Just our way of saying THANK YOU to the art/gaming community for being so great! Of course, HPS clients will get the matched set. I promise it will be quite cool! Look for announcements on this around our grand reopening.

4) And: OMEGA QUIN! Dun duhduh DAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! Work is progressing with care. We REALLY like the story so far, and the first finished artwork is being completed in San Antonio. I'm REALLY excited for this... when you see what we've been working on, you will be, too. :-)

5) Lastly, and a bit off-topic: Since I've been SO up-to-my-eyeballs lately, I've been logging into my personal MMO of choice (YOU know which one!) later and later; it's been difficult to do experience all the content I'd like on such a tight (and weird) schedule. So I organized a TASK FORCE MARATHON on my "home-server." And guess what? IT IS AWESOME! Apparently, I'm not the only one who toils all day and only has a few hours at night to have fun in-game!
So this is an off-site, Real Life (tm), super-special THANK YOU to my regular gaming buds Hakafu, Captain Supreme, Deathany (and Az!), and Miss Brr, as well as Electricat, Liz, Sailboat, Aimee and Mike, Hericane, Archmage Chaos, and the amazing Mousedroid!


Thanks for checking in, everybody. Will post more art soon! Until then, be good... take care out there!

(copied from our showcase site)


***MONDAY, Jan 12 2009

Welcome to the Jungle - er... I mean the new year. :-)

Some pretty exciting things have happened during the break! The most exciting of course, is that the HPS received a bunch of great characters to immortalize!

But a close second: Uziel Twentyone will be offically re-entering the comic book industry with his own project: the Omega Quin! Check out the links throughout the site for more info on this.

And keep an eye out this week for new WIP updates! Yay!


***TUESDAY, Dec 16 2008

Hope your Holiday season is going along swimmingly!

We've done some site updates recently. We want to finally get our links page really running, so send your art or game fan site info to us!

By popular demand, our Deluxe Character Busts are now available! Enjoy detailed portraiture and - for a limited time - REDUCED SALE PRICE!

Also, don't forget to visit our DeviantArt showcase to see some of our more recent commissions.

Thanks for making the first few months of the Hero Portait Studio such a success... and so much fun! We've met a lot of really great people, and got to share in some extraordinary original mythologies! We're looking forward to much, much more of the same. :-)

--PLEASE NOTE: The HPS team will be OFF THE CLOCK and OUT OF THE OFFICE from 23 Dec - 27 Dec 2008. It'll be just like any regular weekend, really: All normal operations will continue during this period, but on a limited basis; and turntimes will be suspended. If you want to place an order, or follow up on a commission - PLEASE DO! We may not respond immediately, but we WILL respond!


***TUESDAY, Dec 2 2008

Hope everybody had a great Thanksgiving Holiday! I know my long weekend was EXACTLY what the doctor ordered. Stress-free, good-eatin', chillin' with the family.

So, now that we're all back home and back to work, I can announce that we are extending the Holiday thru Christmas. YAY! Now you have a bit of extra time to aim your loved ones to this site and our awesome Gift Certificates!


***WEDNESDAY, Nov 12 2008

It's another beautiful day in the neighborhood. Our lovely Holiday Sale is almost at its halfway point... so if you haven't taken advantage, but have wanted to, don't forget our deadline is 1 Dec 2008!

Oh! And we also have GIFT CERTIFICATES! If you want a snazzy jazzy Hero Portrait for Christmas, point your gift-giving loved-one RIGHT HERE! We'll take care of the rest.

Take it easy. (And if you can GET it easy, take it twice!)



***SUNDAY, Nov 2 2008

Quickly, and IMPORTANTLY:

1) We're having an issue on the PayPal side of the site... If you are not AUTOMATICALLY transferred to our Survey Page, use this LINK! If you already submitted payment, and need a survey, we'll be sending those out to you today. Please forgive the inconvenience.

2) Don't forget to VOTE! Local elections are just as important as the national ones, and can affect you more directly. You still have a couple of days to research your ballot and make an informed decision. Left, right, center... don't care HOW you vote; but PLEASE get out there and do it!!!

W00T! That is all.


***WEDNESDAY, Oct 29 2008

It's been a busy few weeks here at Hero Art Headquarters! Always a good thing. But we did "lose" a member of the team... ALSO a good thing! Wukongsan recently began his new full-time carrer building lasers for Northrop Grumman! We're all so proud of the guy! One of the smartest dudes I know... It's always nice to see the good guys finish first, for a change!

Upcoming: Deluxe Figure Busts will be online before Christmas! We have really been working to ensure a snag-free roll-out. Sketch art will be online January-ish, if all stays on schedule! Yay for analog tools!


Also: Just a shout-out to a few people...

THE LEGION OF VALOR! The biggest, baddest City of Heroes supergroup on the Freedom server! Especially to my homeboys "Stained Glass Scarlet," "Pagan Priest," and "The Last Gunslinger!"

(start looking out for your first portraits!)

DEATHANY aka STABITHA aka KILLITH aka FROZENTINE aka KORAL MORGAN aka... ahhhh forget it! You know who you are! Thank you for EVERYTHING! Hi Az!!!

All my FORCE VERITAS peeps!

The CoH LIVEJOURNAL CREW! With special *high five* to Tampa's own KWSapphire and Xany! (I absolutely CANNOT thank you guys enough for The Gray Album!)

All the cool artfans on deviantART, with Halloweentime-boogie-down-Quentin-Tarantino-soundtrack grooves to ThorsAssassin for introducing me to DA; FireBrandi for being my #1 client; and MaidensOfWar, DJTrizz, TEESON, HLeon, and Mariusball for being so supportive of what we do! Enjoy the sale! (tell a friend!)


***THURSDAY, Oct 16 2008

Hey all! U21 here. To those who have been kind enough to let me update you as time permits; THANK YOU! As you can see from our Status page, we've been busy... and that's a GOOD thing! :-) But it does tend to make "i"-dotting and "t"-crossing a bit taxing at times. So thank you for being cool... you know who you are!

Also: we are about to have a couple of big things happen starting next week! Watch this page! Also, check out our new DeviantArt page for select new artwork and announcements.

OK... that's it. PEACE!

- At-Your-Service-Uzi :-)


***FRIDAY, Oct 10 2008

Sorry for the late notice:

Monday will be October's Maintenance Monday. We like to do a pure non-art, upkeep day once a month, and our schedule for the month has determined that the 13th has to be the day!

As previously, if you have a commission with us during this time, Maintenance Monday will count as a Holiday for the HPS staff, and will not count toward our normal turn-times.


***WEDNESDAY, Oct 8 2008

Our first month back and we've zipped through 23 new portraits for our clients! Not a bad start...

PLUG ALERT! Besides setting records for completing commissions, Uziel Twentyone spends some time heading up a City of Heroes supergroup on the Guardian server: Force Veritas. If you want to have fun bashing villains, solving crimes, and setting the world to rights with him, GrifterAce, Noodlest, Wukongsan and their intrepid cohorts, send U21 an email and he'll set you up. Better yet, send an in-game tell to any of the following folks: @Uziel 21, @Stabitha, or @Dueco. (ex: /t @Stabitha, Hey! I wanna join the sg and run task forces like crazy!)


***MONDAY, Sept. 29 2008

Sorry for the unscheduled downtime on site updates... We were temporarily shorthanded last week. Fortunately, everybody was able to get their art on time and we're all on schedule. And now we have a wide open queue!!!

If you love your new CoH cyborg costume, and want to immortalize the new addition to your costume line-up, let us know! We've been busy breaking it all down for you on this end. :-)


***TUESDAY, Sept. 16 2008

We got a lot done for Maintenance Monday... still got a bit to go, though! Isn't that how it always goes?! Thanks for giving us the time to get some new software installed and tested!

One of the things we didn't quite get to yet is posting up our nifty new contest. We'll make announcements here and in a few of our favorite forums when we do.

Also, we've been getting quite a few requests for pencil/ink traditional work. We do have this as a "to hit" on our board for future expansion. We'll keep you posted.

Taking a look around the MMO universe, there's a lot of cool things going on and coming up... it's a great time to be a gamer! Thanks for letting the HPS be part of it all with you!


*** THURSDAY, Sept. 11 2008 ***

The HPS wishes to take this moment to honor those who suffered and died on this day seven years ago. Much has happened in, with, and to our nation since then; all personal politics aside, we also wish to thank and honor those members of the United States Armed Forces, serving throughout the world executing the orders of our government, and thereby loyally and bravely doing the the will of the American people. This often at extraordinary individual sacrifice and personal loss to the military members themselves, as well as their spouses, children, and communities.

And while we are at it, we wish to submit our hearts and thoughts today to all the regular people living in Iraq, Afghanistan, and around the world, whose lives are directly and tragically transformed every day by the terror, occupation, fear and bloodshed that has become a staple of their lives since this day, seven years ago. These, too, are our brothers and sisters on this little spinning rock we share and call 'home.' And as long as the least of them lives with hopelessness or in fear, all of us should feel heartbroken.

I'm not a religious guy, really. But on this day... God, if you ARE there, and you're listening, please...

Bless us all.


-Uziel Twentyone


*** MONDAY, Sept. 8 2008 ***

One week from today, Sept. 15, the office will be closed for Maintenance Monday! We will be doing some upgrades to our software and general office stuff to keep the HPS wheels greased and rolling! PLEASE NOTE that if you have a commission with us during this time, Maintenance Monday will count as a Holiday for the HPS staff, and will not count toward our normal turn-times.

This week we will be announcing a pretty neat contest, open to the gaming community. Many of us have an online forum or board that we call home... well, this one's for you! WATCH THIS PAGE!!!


*** FRIDAY, Sept. 5, 2008 ***

A quick word on turn-times! We give our artist(s) until 11:59pm on the due date to deliver a commission. If they do NOT deliver by that time (check your email's date stamp), expect your money back.

A quick word on WIPs! We love to keep our clients in the loop on such a collaborative process. However, please note that we only have the resources currently to update the Status page twice a week! This doesn't mean, unfortunately, that each piece on the table gets updated twice, neccessarily. If you want to get in touch with us during your commission, PLEASE DO!!!!! We love hearing from you. PLEASE, though, contact AYNJEL! We like to give Uziel Twentyone as much room and time to work as we can because his schedule is VERY tight; so unless you're replying to one of his emails, thanks in advance for getting in touch with Aynjel first.

the OMEGA QUIN is coming!