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Poet Dreamer's Lair

Poet Dreamer's Lair

Do I frighten you?
Do you think I'm here
just to spite you?


Then why is it such a necessity
to focus all your negativity
and simple minded stupidity
on quiet creatures like me?

I'd like to think I have the
key to open up your closed
but you're just too locked and
too blind and behind the times,
and besides, your thoughts
are probably slime.

You're trapped me in hours
where my minutes are devoured
by slander hurled at me
because of your insecurities
on masculinity
and simple sexuality.


Well while on the topic of sex,
just look at how you're vexed
when I say the word "gay."
Quite funny, I must say...

That a male to male kiss
and double feminine bliss
make you hiss is rash displeasure
because your ignorance is
beyond measure.

But if it's not my sexual preference,
perhaps it's my racial presence
since you attack because I'm black.

Hey, do I distract you so,
that you'd spray me with hoses
and give Afros hatred
in double doses?

Are you listening,
'cause I'm not bluffing...
Yo, we're supposed to be discussing
why your social crimes are disgusting,
and why so many of us are "fussing..."

- from "Do I"

Hey what's up, welcome to my web page and thanks for visiting, My name's Tommy, 17 (18 in October), from Orange, NJ. Most likely you're here to see some pictures of me 'cause I'm in a chat room, but I just wanted to make a nice little space to scatter my thoughts around. All the pictures here are of me over the past few years, so I'll give my interests and stuff down below and enjoy.

Quick Stats:

Current Location: NJ
Current Age: 17, a Libra
Ethnicity: Black
Physical Information:
150 lbs., 5'11, 30 waist size
black hair, dark brown eyes
Occupation: Artist (poet, author, dramatist)

On Ash's Cam Making Ugly Faces

I'm not really dating anybody right this second, but pretty indifferent
toward a lot of the things to actually search for people. I'm also bi so
that means I get a lot of attention from over sexed dudes asking me
to do things they wouldn't have the gall to ask me of in my face.
In other words, just because I wander around chats and I say I'm
interested in chatting, I mean just that. I'm not into jerking off on
the phone or cybering or trading nude pics or any of that other bullshit.
Don't IM me with that. I'm looking for someone around my age,
male or female, I stopped separating the difference a long time ago,
preferably bisex, like me, (it's just easier that way) with a cool attitude.
I prefer people who are around my own age (17-19) but if you're older and
you offer good conversation, then we'll see what happens. I like confident
girls, open minded girls. I'm looking for a chick to be my complete companion,
someone I can safely say is mine and keep her with me, 'cause I need companionship
badly. But I like odd girls too, bohemian, hippie chicks who can groove out with me,
like a nice Aquarian girl, or a Gemini or Libra. Aggressive girls are welcome, too.
I need a female mate. As for guys, well I don't really have a type of guy I like really, besides
the rebel guys, or the goofballs. Bi-curious guys are cute sometimes too
because they're innocent, they don't have any real demands, they just want to experience,
so they're cool. But young and fit (or skinny, like me!) is almost a necessity, barring
other things, and I guess that's all I have to say about that. Respectful IMs welcome.

If I'm not at home on-line, I'm writing my poetry or working
on my short stories maybe, or on the phone, or sleeping my
lazy ass off. I go out often, to the mall or Starbucks or to New York
for a little while with my best friend-sister Ash or my homegirl Cherise
or my main-man Wave. Most of the time we'll find some groovy chicks
or some sexy guys around, and I'll flirt... just a little bit.

I'm a Libra, so I guess I'm a little indecisive, but I always try
my hardest to be fair. I have a very volatile temper, I think that, and sometimes
I'm a bit manic in my moods. Like, I'll go from being extremely happy to
fuming anger. I try to control it, but it doesn't really work all that often. Most people
tell me when they first meet me that I come off extremely self confident
and intimidating, or extremely quiet. I really don't know what to say about
myself, really. I'm a hippie, really. I like traveling, constant change, creativity,
I try to be honest but sometimes I'm a bit superficial I think... And I need
companionship. Without my friends and my music and my poetry and books and lots of
food and drink (like Starbucks Vanilla Creme or Tazo Brewed Iced Teas... oh there's so good)
I don't think I can survive.

My Poetry



On the Path Train

Lover with no name,
Shadows herald your arrival.
The lover buried in my soul
is longing to be consoled.

Crystal eyes.

And in the burning light,
I saw you there, looking at me!
I understood what the faces meant,
that you did adore me,
that this, all this was meant to be.
You disappeared.

It's not real,
a sweet nightmare,
my psyche's sick sense of humor.





Dreams dressed in drag
are now the poems on my page.
Young hearts, fly free!
Beyond the inhibitions of an anal society
locked within the barriers of banal mediocrity.
We are free!
Dare, dare to dream!
Free to be!
I am me, and this is my drag dream.
We are the drags dressed in dreams.







Gender, gender...
Gender, gender, gender benders,
dallying across the lines of sex to excess,
accessing a new sexuality that surpasses
here even the term "queer."
Obscene because he has
a clit in his brain,
emotion and need for a kiss
And she shatters the conscience
with an active, phallic fist.
He wears silk and she wears
Sneaking over that line,
sitting on the fence,
most uncomfortable,
but we're in the mix.
We benders...

Gender, gender, gender benders...
It's broken. You've snapped.





IV. Siren with a Sword -- The Mantis Maiden

What does it mean
when the gods warn:
"Beware the Mantis Maiden,
the Preying Mantis Maiden..."

Male than I am,
I must have missed the warning,
or ignored it,
(there's a difference?)
and spied a sexy, sexy vixen;
I was smitten with this creepy kitten,
this slinky beauty...
with inky raven hair and
violent, violet eyes.

Ah, she was siren!
Killer cocoa skin
and a phallic tongue,
So you can imagine the fun
I would have had once I was done!
This cutie, sugar-bun, with...
a lumbering sword in her easy palms,
She fell to my knees to bestow her charms...
A man LOVES a chick on her knees,


I slowly leaned in for a kiss...
but my mouth missed, and in a flash
and a flick she sliced right off my dick!
The sword came down with a crack and a click...
and she sang to my soul this haunting song:

Now you're a woman just like I used to be!
And I'm the one with the pointed edge,
the head to make you scream like a bitch!
Now you're the one with the itch in the hole...
you just can't seem to scratch...
but I catch it for you,
if I attack you and your warm walls
with my ever anxious action ax,
when I thrust head back and throttle your soul!

"If I tell you, now chicks with
real soul dicks are in control,
what could you say to me?
Love, I'm not here to console;
I'm here to be consoled.
I'm not here to understand
but you better understand that
you males can and will
catch the back of my hand...
Shit, now I'M the real man.

"Like you, I have no mind of my own,
so Negress, drop and give me brains!
Maybe then, sweetie,
once you're done,
once I've come.
I'll help you to remain.

"Don't you see!
Chicks crave your castration...
I relish your mental masturbation...
And we shall make a world of W.O.Men
a land WithOut Men.
This is your end.
And now...
WE shall begin again.

"Whiny coward, listen to the stars!
Nature never lies, she tells it all --
'Beware the Mantis Maiden,
the Preying Mantis Maiden...'

"Oh, and clean yourself, you silly bitch.
Why do all mean reek of sperm and piss?"

And would you believe
I've been on my knees every since?
Women have taken over our entire existence!
Now we men cook and clean and tend the kids
just for her kiss.
In our doll house of her making...
Who would have known the genders would reverse
and leave me penis people like this...
Karma has always been a cruelly fair bitch.


True, I talk of dreams,
Which are the children of an idle brain,
Begot of nothing but vain fantasy,
Which is as thin of substance as the air
And more inconstant than the wind...

- William Shakespeare, The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet

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