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The Legendary Column of the man they call Jon

I wasn't sure what to use as the topic for my big December column (anybody remember last years December column? No? Lets just say it involved a certain principal and a limp appendage that will not be named here (hehheheheh) and almost led to the most controversial lawsuit in Carrollton history! Well, hell, how can you follow up that? Well luckily I just remembered the column I was gonn use for January of this year had not the site been shut down. Lets face it I like controversy. It makes me all tingly inside! oooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Don't get me wrong though, I don't PURPOSELY cause controversy, I just tend to, well, be conntroversial, ya know? Is it really my fault? Well anyways, to finish out the big 03 (my graduating year!) I decided to illuminate you on one of my most controversial opinions. So, if your easily offended, go home and watch "folk music families traveling the green valleys of southern Utah" on PBS, loser!
So, one thing i like about this column is that the character it discusses can be related to by most everyone, instead of just my general Carrollton High School student section (youd be surprised by some of the people that accidently stumble on my sight!) so just who am I discussing? Why, Charles Manson! and, whoooo, Im tired, heh breather! (in case you didnt knwow Im attempting to break the world record for sleep deprivation. It stands at 28 days, so Im goung for 30. Im at 1 1/2.)
All comments expressed here are simply those of Jon, and not angelfire or Lycos, so bugger off!

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