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Here is some poems....

The following are written by me James Blood.

why is it that the revolutionary cant seem to be noticed no more
why cant they see the fight he fight for you and me
he fight to free our slavery

i walk around in my town i see these faces passing me by
why o why cant the see the death and misery
o why why why why

it isnt enough to give me a dime when u take a sack
it isnt enough to give me some bread when u take the bakery
it inst enough when u promise me ur wealth and never deliver
i see the guise im not hypnotized i realize the history of your lies
all through time the man with more takes from the man with less and i must confess im more then distressed im in raged breaking from this hellish cage.

Kings of america

everyday i wake up turn the news on and get fed up with the lies spread like truth,
in our minds in our youth

they rape they take us for everything ,
they hate us because we have minds becasue we realize.
their aint no evil but terroist
with their attacks on people terror they infflict
everyone run away they scare us 100 times a day
implant their ideas
the kings of america
raping resources using propaganda

the fuckin truth is to look into theirs eyes
see the inocent they killed with the greed and their lies
this is to you
this is the out loud fuck you
this is my declartion of independecne from your feudlistic monarchy capitalistic fascism
you just fuckin wait because one day you will be judged by god or your people who you say you love
you are heathens evil satan on earth you are the corruption that ruins this earth
your the kings of america hiding behind your desk
with billions of dollars in stocks you invest
and for every dollar you keep so a poor slob gets none
your mother fuckin greed
be strong against the evil by doing evil by eluding your people yourhypocracy shows through
your raping the world SO fuck you
with all my heart i would love to kill you but murder is murder

and all yo people who are blind
this message i Its alright

declares isnt only mine
just because your life is comfortable doesnt mean you desreve it to be think about the other people ,
you arent supier you arent super money makers
all you are is puppets in their imperialistic campaign in the world
you want to line up behind them
they hand you the gun
its your choice to pull the trigger
so we can get bigger and bigger
rape the world of its life we the proud but are we right
FUCK america wut do we have to proud of
fuck america because america is fucked up
we exterminated a whole race we enslaved another
theirs nothing to be pruod of because you arent free your enslaved
in their monarchy


Take a walk with me let me show you the world from a different view how enticing I challenge you, breathe fire your mind is locked banished follower your eyes never lock, shadow dodger I pity you I take my hand down just to purposely not salute you. Follow your line and never stray live life the same day to day, or take a moment and listen to me look at the accomplishments of our society, hard to search for not which isn’t there. Life a hopeless quest for material possessions to gain nothing but a hopeless obsession, to understand the world is to be in constant chaos within your self to grasp all is to be over felt mind burst with knowledge to deep a pain which is past skin deep no nerves to feel the oncoming heat a burn which cant be soothed by any remedy, as a task I give to my fellow man conceive our purpose in this barren land, understand what life is and challenge to fill it beyond its capacity, except nothing as its suppose to be, stand up to those who are out of reach , I challenge you to be alive with me to actually feel life in its entirety, I am never at peace as long as there is someone ruling over me.

Fuck you

Wake up every day the criminals tell me what to do and say, They organize in such a way disguised by a democracy, Cooperate control propaganda they impose, From birth entitled to full freedoms to work for you, You teach me how to make money the more I make the more you take from me you, Is it insane to not want to be a part of this fascist regime, To not want to be owned by money or greed, I have no right to say fuck you that’s why I do so fuck you, No longer will blood be spilled for the good of your few, I can see you blind fold removed I resist your infiltration into my life I concede from your union of lies, I have no right to say fuck you that’s why I do so fuck you, So fuck you


I fathom our brutality our existence our entire evolution into our present status que Hold a gun and u will know the truth man is not meant to be tamed, We are powerless beast to our true nature How pathetic we have become we take our beliefs and use them to pick up our guns Man just wants blood on his hands, to kill or be killed,Break my hand take my heart bring my sword and it will start Blood is flowing swords slashing guns blasting bombs are flashing Far above the ground a death is coming swooping with pain diving with anger dropping with death,War is coming gods priest are praying,good and evil, evil and good, how am I to choose Born into descision, born to an allegiance pre set by my god who is right, but we are free? Fuck life, death is a dark shadow of man, we understand, we take what we can, give it to them, kill kill fuck there beliefs founded on lies disintegrated times against mine fuck life fuck life kill

youth of my nation

I see an army not so far away Built from the children of yesterday Anit nationalism flourishing in my day They take me away and expect me to be ok I break their laws and enforce my own I take their lives and make them my own Moneys greed makes others bleed Getting more then they need I break the cycle take the rifle Il break the cycle, Rights drained all that’s left is freedom to be gained My world has drived us insane watch us rise right below your eyes Its time to rise and take back our lives Its time to rise and take back our lost time

walk to the shadow
walk beyond the light cross the endless ocean travel beyond your hopeless comprehension
broken society corruption in entirety our worlds blood tanted,thinned corporation controlled only lies to be told wholly foretold no secrets unfold only left to be exposed
striving for wealth and power thousands of lives lost in an hour for what? Wealth of the few Exchanged beyond you Slaves of the corperation,
Walk beyond the light Walk into the night Search for the dark No need to fight We don’t have to

White power dominates, hold gods pleasure exhilarates,
understand the worlds pain forget what's said,
loose that touch that feel that idea that's god,
the man trapped u break free rise above,
take the needed break to intimidate to contemplate the destruction,
god damn mother fucking destruction,
I last, I trap, I grasp, I need to understand the destruction,
Its gods will, forget all beliefs fall down to their feet bow,
to them forget who you are to understand your self,
stand up let go of those damn laws of god,
forget that world of lies forget the discrimination of the law,
walk the field of war and lurk the alleys of the burning walls,
tempt them, taunt them, break their will steal their fuel trample them,
walk with me to the brink of destruction,
walk to lines of oppression,
challenge the will of those who force it upon you,
walk with me, taunt with me,
challenge their destruction against the world of all taunt with me until they fall

The People

Hopes of Anarchy will prevail and come to be, Then its through my eyes you will see, The politically correct bastards wont be so right, My thoughts and beliefs don't go down without a fight, They play God and think they have ultimate power, When they make laws and rules to adhere most cower, The lies they tell are consuming and corrupting the whole human race, All hopes of happiness leave without a trace

A Hypocrite's Priorities
Napalm, or bomb,
little hands and little feet,
Or leave a land-mine behind
to do the job

Spread a noxious cloud of gas to sear tender throats and lungs
or conscript the helpless ones to use as fodder
Kill the urchins without pause
in pursuit of your cause
in alliance or uni-lateral

Send a stone-faced rambo to emolate a village
exfoliate and pillage
the damage is only collatoral

Or, teach young minds of hell,
which you know of so well
and wound without lifting a hand

Damn them before they are born
slice into their side with the sharpest thorn
doom them to despair

As a con-artist who knows and ghouls without souls rant from podiums everywhere,
on how much they care


Can’t get enough. Kiss me once Kiss me again I love you now I loved you then Show me Lead me Make me cry Drag me Beat me Motionless, I lie. They hurt They burn Knowing me I’ll never learn I say I don’t I really do I desire the pain I get from you Trick me Confuse me Break me down Fool me Trap me I wont make a sound Staggering breath Blurry eyes I’ll keep playing Until my heart dies I know you You wont stop

With a tear sodden face I found you. In a place I could not see for all the darkness it held. Then and now I look upon you. And in these gazings I see your pain, your hurt, your life. Burning, bleeding, crying, screaming. Running, hiding, jumping, falling. I reach, I stretch, I grasp and pull. Closer you come to me and farther from pain I pull you. A heart deeper then the pitch black of night. Your eyes are fiery red from tears. Your skin clammy with nerves. Loving you is a risk, a risk I want to take. Burning, bleeding, crying, screaming. Running, hiding, jumping, falling. I reach, I stretch, I grasp and pull. Closer you come to me and farther from pain I pull you. I stand upon the edge of a knife. Shall I fall I would not lose one life..but two. With bones hard as rock and a soul filled with love I shelter you. With hands of iron I cup your frail form. And under this dome shall I keep you. Burning, bleeding, crying, screaming. Running, hiding, jumping, falling. I reach, I stretch, I grasp and pull. Closer you come to me and farther from pain I pull you. If my hands shall fail, I will take your body in my arms. Like great limbs of a tree I will embrace your soul. And they will grow there, stronger and thicker each passing day. My body will form to yours as I encompass you closer to safety, your shelter. Burning, bleeding, crying, screaming. Running, hiding, jumping, falling. I reach, I stretch, I grasp and pull. Closer you come to me and farther from pain I pull you. And if arms fail, I shall weave you a cloth of protection. Taking threads or you and I, intertwining them making not two but one, us. Then when the cloak is done I will rest it on your weary body. For in my love and all my being I enshroud your perfect heart, your soul. Burning, bleeding, crying, screaming. Running, hiding, jumping, falling. I reach, I stretch, I grasp and pull. Closer you come to me and farther from pain I pull you. In the start and in the end I will be there to protect you, to shelter you. I would guard my love from forever until eternity. God willing and love ready, your heart will be mine to protect. In a shelter of my essence, my heart, my soul. Locked away in a place where none of your past demons can reach. No tears will stain you, no cuts will harm you, no pain will wreck you. Find me when you hurt, when you bleed. I will take you, wash you, hold you, shelter you. I'm your shelter.

Words of an A.N.G.E.L. Words can hurt Words can heal Words can unravel pain Words can tighten the seal They can loosen the grip Life has on my neck Help fight back the tears When I see what I’ve wrecked Your words are the comfort I’d be helpless without You’re the voice of an angel That, I have no doubt I wont stay back And have nothing to say ‘Cause I wont let my guardian angel Fly away.

In between your heart and mind In your soul, is where you’ll find Embracing, like we’ve never met In the breathtaking dreams You can’t forget Till the time ticks away And all that’s left Is me and you, together at last I can’t wait for the feeling of your flesh on mine Swarming in emotion, endless time Every day another story Rape my mind Steal the glory Every lie another tear Breathing hard Your body so near

|/ Emotions vs. Risking to love me \| Brining my hands to your sweat-glistened face I carefully run my fingers over the beads and let them seep into every line of my skin The crease between my thumb and first finger, find the tender, under skin of your chin I exert a gentle pressure and urge your downcast head upwards I wish to thank you For being, and staying with me in times of my hardships When I hurt. When I bled. When I cried. When my hands were slowly slipping off the brink of life, and I couldn’t stand the torturous mind games played on my fragile conscious When my eyes were screaming because they couldn’t bare to produce the tears I needed and wanted to show my love to you My eyes are miniature seas of crystal clear emotion ready to be shown And they are glazed with salty tears as they stare through you. You’re my angel. Someone who’s presence can heal me Who’s love can mend me The work you have ahead of you, is tremendous And I’ll help you on your journey The risk you want to take, to my heart.

becca johnston

you break my back,
you wont break me,
all is black,
but i still see,
shut me down,
knock me to the floor,
shoot me up,
fuck me like a whore
trapped under ice,
comfortably cold,
ive gone as low as you can go,
feel no remorse,
no sense of shame,
times gonna wash away all pain

i made a god out of blood,
not superiority,
i killed the king of deceit,
now i sleep in anarchy.







you can see me wearing the clothes you sell and watching your ridiculous fashioned ass every day i will learn from you how to survive how to act like a mesias you can say to my son what´s rigth or wrong but he will always remember my words you can frighten me with guns but you will never kill my courage you can shot me in the head but you wont stop us you can feel like god but life will show you who you really are you can enjoy your victory until the day we decide you can give us religion we will pray for freedom you can give us punishments we will learn how to fight better you can give us lies we will believe only in ourselves you can have power im so sorry but nothing lasts forever

by "filomena migliaro"


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