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Syl-Railden, and my stash of writings~!

Well hello there.
This is Gary.

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UPDATE - November 28th
Syl-Railden is still going well, but I still need more people and new ideas~! Get people involved~!

adopt your own virtual pet!

UPDATE - Oct. 17th
Syl-Railden is in full swing, and now I have my domain! I am always looking for more people, so don't hesitate to get friends involved~! My new email address is now ... which IS case sensitive, like most email addresses are. I plan to not use Xanga anymore, and move my blog to my own site here, so I will do that in the near future. Keep checking back, and as always, I am taking any submissions of writings, poetry, stories and the like.. so keep it coming!

UPDATE - August 30th
I have made my role-playing forum, with the help of my cousin, Danielle. Click the Syl-Railden button above to check it out!

UPDATE - August 3rd
I made a section of the site dedicated to Magic: The Gathering! I love to sell and trade cards, so take a look~!

UPDATE - July 26th
Got a guestbook! SIGN IT~! w00t.
I have put up two new pictures and all of Amanda's poetry she gave me... take a look~!

UPDATE - July 20th
I have put up all my poetry, and my friend Ian gave me permission to post his story (which is in a poetic format, but its still a story), and I got Frankie's poems she sent me(not buffington, mind you)... so feel free to look!

UPDATE - July 18th
I have started putting my story, Determination, up. Feel free to read it! Click the link at the top, Writings. Keep checking back for updates on what's there, because I will be constantly changing things and adding more of my writings.
This is where I intend to put up all my poetry, my story, and the progress of my game thus far. For now, until I draw up some plans, this is just here for updates, and I will add more to it as I see fit. Check back here for any progress made... there will be a lot in the coming weeks, because I have free time outside of class, during the week. Thanks for looking!

Since I am in college and would greatly appreciate anything and everything I can get, I decided to see how many people might donate even a dollar or two to me... because every little bit counts, you know. Lend me a hand! If you have PayPal, anyways, and are able to. Click the button below!
