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My little site to leave a mark and piss folks off

Aight folks and folklies,this is my site.welcome to it,now your trapped in the endless maze that is my fucked up mind. Have fun tryin to find the door. Also, i take no responsibilty for whatever anyone does with the information they aquire on my website. be warned that i didnt make most of it up,and that all of it is extremly dangerous. Well,i suppose i should tell ya a bit about twisted little me.Im pretty much your normal punk kinda kid, im into punk rock,hard rock,and heavy metal music. Pretty deep into anarchy(not government take over,could care less bout that).

how to build a crossbow trigger

Some of my favorite songs

My Favorite Web Sites

my cousins page,very awesome
good place to buy knives,swords,and other sharp objects
good friend of mine's place,awesomeness in a site
another good priced weapons site