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The Giant Baby Fanfiction Archive

WElcome to my fanfiction archive for the most fucking awesome band in existance, Giant Baby! I have seent these guys in concert six times and I'm telling you, they are fuckng awesome! So awesome, in fact, I decided there shoudl be a fnafiction archive for all of the Giant Baby Mommas to share our literary materpieces featurning the band. If you have a story you'd liek to see featured here, just e-mail it too me in a .txt file at If I like it, I'll put it up on the site.

My rules are as follows: 1) NO SLASH! I like gay people, I have gay friends, but slash is disgusting and insulting to the band. 2) I reserve the right to reject any story I don't feel is up to the standards of this archive. 3) If you want to send a review to someone about their story, go ahead, but DON'T BE A BITCH! Flamers will have their ISP's banned from this site. I'm a L33T H4xx0r and will I know how to block your ass! So that's it! Happy ficcing friends!

Sites you HAVE to visit!!!1!!

The Actual Giant Baby FAnfict Archive
Teh Giant Baby Fanfic message board
The official Gaint Baby WEbpage